[COLOR=TAN][hr][sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XkgVbMq.jpeg[/img][/center][b][center][color=1C1C1C] H A V E N[/color] [color=D2B48C]H A V E N[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]The Beach[/I] - [I]PRCU[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Welcome Home #1.014:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]A Shorebird for a Day[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Lorcán [@Lord Wraith], Rory [@webboysurf], Pallyx [@Bartimaeus], Casual Wave towards Others[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]N/A[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/INDENT][/COLOR] [indent] A few yards from the Blackjack reunion laid an unfolded PRCU towel. A pair of tan sandals and denim shorts laid on top to keep the sea breeze from blowing it away. It's owner had been missing for a while, lost to the sun and waves on such a beautiful day. If one peered out over the horizon for long enough, they might catch a glimpse of the owner. If they didn't know her, they'd see a large seabird with legs. Haven soared over the rolling waves, pure bliss written across her face since she left the shore. Her wings beat powerful strokes against the cool air coming from the north, the muscles in her back doing all of the work for her. The high sun above warmed her feathers and skin, which had become tanned and lightly freckled over her summer vacation. Her hair was a wild whip of golden-brown behind her. A pocket of thermal air rose up beneath her and she simply coasted for a few moments. The weightlessness that came with these moments was a feeling that she wished she could bottle. Her coasting brought her up a few meters or so, and she found herself gliding alongside some seagulls. She looked over at them, noticing their curiosity in the way their feathers dipped on their left side to fly a little closer to her. They lingered for a moment, before turning away towards the shore as they undoubtedly decided that they had seen enough for the day. Haven chuckled to herself before the last of the warm air left the tips of her feathers. She leaned her head back, arching her body and her wings to somersault and dive towards the water below. Her wings stretched out beside her as she leveled herself out again, the muscles in her back going taut as she caught herself a few meters above the water. From this view the water seemed to glisten in the sunlight. The ripples appearing like blades of grass at her speed. She leaned her body left, and her wings tipped to turn her towards the shoreline. Ahead of her was the boat Haven had seen Banjo and his butler and babysitter fishing from earlier. She took herself up into the air, flying just high enough to miss the fishing lines and the upper level. [color=tan]"The fish are to your left!"[/color] She called out to the Butler below as she passed him overhead. If he hadn't seen her coming, her voice would have been carried along the wind and her shadow passing overhead the only indication that she'd been by. Lilting laughter also might have been heard fading away as she headed inland. Even this far out, Haven could see the beach had come alive since she left it. She scanned the crowd, searching for her things and any familiar faces. In a happy coincidence, she spotted her things just a few yards from her favorite teammates. The boys were gathering around the cluster of girls, and poor Lorcan had just gotten a face-full of leather. Her wings beat faster now, eager to join her friends on land. She was a flurry of feathers, her hands tucked in at her sides to ease the friction of air against her. She coasted the air coming off of a wave, angling herself up and over it's crest just as it began to reach the shallows. While she focused on slowing herself down, she looked for a clear space to land and fortunately found one close to the group. Haven soon lowered herself onto the sand, her wings beating downwards to make her landing as light as a feather. The sand was warm under her bare feet. Another feeling Haven wished she could bottle up for a rainy day. She dug her toes into the sand for a moment, before looking towards the gathered members of Blackjack. A grin spread across her face as she tucked her wings in and headed towards them. Rory and Lorcan stood closest to her. She pushed her hair back from her face as she approached them, trying to keep her eyes from lingering on Rory's exposed muscles for too long. [color=tan]"Hey, boys."[/color] She called in greeting as she approached them in a [url=https://us.ohpolly.com/cdn/shop/products/NS0163_NS0161_12_Lime-Cap-Sleeve-Top-Booty-Shorts_6aba001d-2419-4465-b6da-e2fc59672ec5.jpg?v=1653988956&width=900]lime green swim short combo[/url]. [color=tan]"You alright, Lorcan? I saw you eat leather from a mile away."[/color] Haven teased him with a little grin. She noticed Pallyx standing by the cooler and waved at her with a bright smile. Then she simply sent a salute towards the others gathered around the umbrellas as her legs carried her over to the cooler. She smiled towards Rory as she pulled out a Claw and cracked it open. Her eyes crinkled around the edges. [color=tan]"Thanks for bringing the drinks, Rory."[/color] [/indent] [COLOR=TAN][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q9J9PIr.jpeg[/img][/CENTER]