[quote=@Baphomini] [@Dragonfly 9] You can still try out! This isn't fcfs, it's who I feel is going to offer the most substance for story and character interaction! Tell me your ideas :D [/quote] Aight! :D Right now, I have two: 1. Minotaur Man! :D Could be that Jewel's character is a traditional gentleman, while Minotaur guy is (initially) the more traditional version of toxic masculinity. Or, at least, he [i]seems[/i] to be a toxic jerk. In reality, he's more of a classic tsundere type; harsh and aggressive on the outside, but kind and a bit of a classic romantic on the inside. Could be that he was treated as "weak" by his family/the people around him, and tried to "toughen up" and "be a man" in order to compensate for that. I have another, but I wanna see what you think of this one first. If it's too heavy for this, that's okay! I just often get a bit too into character depth while fleshing out my characters. :')