Hmmmmmm 🤔 I love him and he sounds like such a good boy, I just don't know how well I'm connecting For one thing, I've never been crazy about casual time travel stories/usage. When I do time travel plots/elements, I typically have a lot of structure and rule to it, and even then it always gets complicated, so I usually try to avoid it 🫤 As it stands in this world, I'd rather not deal with it, simply because the story is so focused on the love story and character relations, it feels too messy to get into time travel ethics, if that makes sense? Another point is I don't really see there being separate races/species in this world except maybe in the possibility of alien races (in the case of Superman types)? Mainly there's humans, and "metahumans" but metahuman is just a lable given to people who have these strange genetics and in the end they're still human. I don't see the meta gene being structured or consistent enough to be passed directly in family lines, and definitely not repetitive enough to create a whole new race 🫠 And lastly, I'm not sure if the his reasoning for becoming "evil" quite vibes with the structure of the story? It feels a lot like he kinda just stumbled into the villain life and doesn't have a true connection to it? And I'm looking for a villain who has a strong rise to villainy, and a solid reasoning and defined goal, if that makes sense?? Again!! I love him a lot! He's a really good character and sounds like a really fun guy to interact with, I just don't know if he fits the role?