[COLOR=TAN][hr][sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XkgVbMq.jpeg[/img][/center][b][center][color=1C1C1C] H A V E N[/color] [color=D2B48C]H A V E N[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]The Beach[/I] - [I]PRCU[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Welcome Home #1.031:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Freebird[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Lorcán [@Lord Wraith], Aurora [@Melissa], Rory [@webboysurf], Banjo [@Hound55], Others-Indirectly[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Unexpected Turbulence[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/INDENT][/COLOR] [indent] Just when Haven thought she was safe from any more embarrassing shows of emotion, she just happened to catch Mei's approach to Rory when she heard the dark haired woman tap his shoulder. [color=ffc725][b]“Hey Rory! So..uhh.. Would you like to go to the dance with me?”[/b][/color] Haven's heart sputtered out like an engine that just hit a family of geese. She sighed through her nose, and proceeded to chug the rest of her seltzer before Rory could reply. The can was soon empty, just before she could hear Rory say... [color=04cf3a]"I'm sorry, Webs... I'm not really in the mood for jokes right now."[/color] Haven's gaze immediately moved over to Rory. Instead of feeling relief from his answer, her heart sputtered back to life and twisted. The way Rory hung his head as he walked away from a potential, [i]real[/i] date to the dance... He seemed pretty upset. [color=#fe650d]“Sky Betty,[i] dude[/i], I don't drink and surf.”[/color] [color=tan]"Oh, you're right. My bad."[/color] She said as she tore her gaze away from Rory, giving Lorcán a small nod. She was wise not to drink too much if she expected to fly, either. Although there were plenty of nights that she'd had a bit too much, and was forced to stumble home or convince Banjo or Katja to give her a piggy-back to the dorms. For the record, that happened rarely. Haven would have to check in on Rory later. [color=#8ecdb7]“Can someone tell me what just happened?”[/color] Haven heard Aurora's voice to her side. Haven turned to Aurora to give her own explanation, as Calliope and Gil, or Gil copy, handled the boys. When she saw the state Aurora was in, sympathy filled her eyes. Her poor friend's face was almost as red as her hair. Although Haven had heard Aurora's rambling, she hadn't expected her to look this flustered either. She kept her voice low, so that neither Rory nor Lorcán would hear her answer. [color=tan]"I'm not really sure myself."[/color] Haven replied as she shrugged and gestured towards Rory. [color=tan]"I thought Rory asked you out, too, and that's why I, uh..."[/color] She sighed softly. [color=tan]"Anyways, he just told Gil he didn't mean it like that."[/color] Aurora shook her head with a small laugh before taking another sip of her seltzer. [color=8ECDB7]"If that's the case, Rory needs to practice thinking before speaking. I know he means well, but man, sometimes I wonder what goes through his mind."[/color] The redhead sighed, turning to Haven [color=8ECDB7]"What I'm also wondering is why you didn't tell me that you were into him sooner... you know I hang around him and Lorcán all the time, I could've done some stealth work if I knew you were interested."[/color] Haven blinked, processing Aurora's words for a moment before a small grin spread across her lips. [color=tan]"Was it really that obvious, just now?"[/color] She held up the empty can of seltzer to her chin as she glanced over Rory's way once more. [color=tan]"I wouldn't have been mad if you said yes, by the way. Though I would have been jealous."[/color] Her grin grew wider as she looked back. [color=8ECDB7]“I put two and two together,”[/color] Aurora shrugged, [color=8ECDB7]“I heard you choke on your drink.”[/color] She smirked at Haven before taking her hand reassuringly, her playful demeanor dissolving into sincerity. [color=8ECDB7]“I would have hated myself if I made you feel that way, I could never do that to you.”[/color] Haven squeezed Aurora's hand. [color=tan]"I feel the same way. I'm not saying I'd be a good wingwoman,"[/color] She paused to shake her head at the irony of that statement, [color=tan]"but I'll try my best if there's anyone you have in mind for yourself."[/color] [color=8ECDB7]“Oh, uh- I don’t know if I need any assistance in that department right now.”[/color] The redhead felt her cheeks grow warm again. [color=8ECDB7]“I meant what I said before, I don’t know if I want to go with anyone. Kind of scares me if I’m being honest…”[/color] Aurora let go of Haven’s hand and tucked a strand of her copper locks behind her ear. [color=8ECDB7]“Let’s just focus on getting you to the dance with Rory. I’ll ask Lorcán later if he knows anything.”[/color] Haven pressed her lips together, glancing over at Mei where she stood. There was no doubt Mei was going to ask Rory again. Especially after he confused her question with a joke. [color=tan]"It's not the dance I'm worried about... It seems like Mei has feelings for him too,"[/color] she murmured softly. She leaned down to grab a cider and Aurora's drink of choice out of the cooler, and shrugged as she turned back towards Aurora with a smile. [color=tan]"We can't let this perfect day go to waste, so either drink up or let's get in the water."[/color] [hr] Haven's sneakered feet touched down on the sand for the second time today. This time freshly showered, wearing a brown tracksuit with a white tank underneath. Half of her hair was held back by a hairband to make sure the night breeze wouldn't blow it in her face. She looked over at the group, all sitting by the fire looking cozy. A bit behind them sat Rory, looking just as solemn as earlier in the day. She moved towards him, hoping she could get him out of his slump. [color=tan]"Hey, Rory."[/color] Haven murmured from Rory's right as she sat crisscrossed beside him. She gave him a small smile as she looked his way. Into those sky blue eyes. In the growing darkness, it seemed like his eyes held storm clouds within them. [color=tan]"How're you doing?"[/color] Her tone was casual, although her eyes showed her concern for him. She turned her head to watch the group mill about, stretching her wings out behind her as she rested her elbows on her knees. [color=tan]"The first day back is always so busy, catching up with everyone."[/color] Rory had chosen a spot a little farther back from the fire, resting in the sand with one knee raised. He leaned forward, one elbow on the raised knee as he ran a thumb over a broken seashell resting in the sand. He seemed a bit startled as Haven approached him, but flashed a faint smile in acknowledgement. Despite the cold chill of the night, he felt sweat beginning to gather on his palms. But that feeling subsided, replaced instead by a modicum of comfort. He leaned back slightly, resting his free hand behind himself so he could turn and face Haven. He was silent for a moment, taking in the view of her illuminated in fire light as he thought for a moment. [Color=04cf3a]"I think I'll be ok... I'm just getting sick and tired of messing everything up all the time."[/color] He paused, turning his gaze away from Haven to look towards Lorcán by the fire. [Color=04cf3a]"It's like I'm playing a different game than everyone else most of the time. Or... maybe like everyone else knows the rules but me. And I just keep drawing fouls over and over, but the rules keep changing. So every play is the wrong play, y'know?[/color] Haven chuckled softly, turning her head towards him once more. Her smile faltered a moment as she noticed where his attention had gone to, but she decided not to bring it up directly. [color=tan]"I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who feels that way."[/color] Rory tilted his head, yet again confused as he looked back towards Haven. [Color=04cf3a]"I don't follow. You always seem so..."[/color] Rory paused, staring into her eyes as he searched for understanding, [Color=04cf3a]"Free. And you don't seem to fumble things up the way I do, from what I've seen."[/color] Rory turned his gaze away from Haven instinctively, looking at the ground a moment as he weakly tossed the shell away from them. Haven reached over to pick up the shell, admiring it for a moment before she set it down between them. [color=tan]"It's taken a lot of mistakes to get to where I am now. I've learned it's best to be patient with myself. There are still plenty of new feelings and experiences,"[/color] she looked into his eyes, because she knew that Rory was at the center of those feelings now, [color=tan]"that are just as exciting as they are scary."[/color] She didn't want to make this about herself, so she decided to breach the topic that made him so upset in the first place. [color=tan]"We all know you meant well, earlier."[/color] She leant towards him and spoke softer now, so that the rest of the group wouldn't hear her. [color=tan]"That's all that matters. You've always been hard on yourself, and it shows how much you really care. I hope you can give yourself the same patience as I do with myself."[/color] Rory chuckled softly as he looked to Haven. [Color=04cf3a]"I thought I was the psych major."[/color] He looked towards the others around the campfire, shaking his head. [Color=04cf3a]"You're right. It's something to work on."[/color] Rory climbed up to his feet, and held a hand out to Haven to help her up. [Color=04cf3a]"We should join back with the others before we get too sappy."[/color] Haven beamed up at him, already glad to see that he was feeling better. [color=tan]"Sounds good, Rory."[/color] She took his hand, feeling it's warmth around her own. That warmth spread throughout her as she let him pull her to her feet. [color=tan]"Wanna sit next to me?"[/color] Rory nodded, pulling Haven up with relative ease. His hand held on to hers tightly for a moment, before he just quickly let go and moved a free hand to rub the back of his neck. He was hoping she didn't see his cheeks grow a shade darker in the dim light, and simply nodded towards the fire. [Color=04cf3a]"Lead the way, freebird."[/color] Haven giggled at the nickname, and headed to join the group. She stuffed her hands in her jacket's pockets to keep herself from reaching for his hand again. The little squeeze and the flush in his cheeks hadn't gone unnoticed, but she didn't want to push him when Mei's invitation to the dance still lingered in the back of her mind. Pushing that thought to the very back of her conscious, she aimed for a spot between Banjo and Gil that looked big enough for her wings and for Rory to sit next to her. [color=tan]"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career."[/color] Haven responded to Lorcán as she sat on the sand next to Banjo. She dapped the blondie on the shoulder as a greeting, and looked at the rest of the group. [color=tan]"It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me."[/color] She shrugged as if the comment wasn't as heavy as it seemed. [color=tan]"If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."[/color] [/indent] [COLOR=TAN][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q9J9PIr.jpeg[/img][/CENTER]