[center][h2]Pagras[/h2][/center] [center][@Xaltwind][/center] [quote=Vanessa][color=lightblue]"Hunting a single man with a pack of half a dozen... I thought I'd heard somewhere that you salamander-girls were very keen on the whole [i]honor[/i] and [i]fighting fair[/i]-schtick. Guess those're just rumors after all, huh?"[/color][/quote] "[color=brown]Oh, those kinds of Salamanders do exist. You know what we call 'em? Single![/color]" Katelyn then laughed out loud at her own joke, but Iskah and Rie only sighed. [quote=Vanessa][color=lightblue]"Well then, are we done scoping out the competition, or do you want to see the rest of this one's crew before we leave?[/color][/quote] "Leave? Isn't Aun just at the orphanage?" Iskah sounded genuinely confused by Vanessa's question. "[color=brown]Orphanage, huh?[/color]" Katelyn immediately picked up on the detail. "[color=brown]Well, don't mind if I do![/color]" The Salamander patted both Iskah and Vanessa on their shoulders before speedily taking off to Pagras' orphanage, where the latter two met with The Incubus Knight earlier. Rie boarded her wagon and was about to go follow before realizing that Iskah made no other move despite Katelyn heading out. "[color=coral]...He's not at the orphanage, is he?[/color]" "Nope." Iskah shrugged. "There are children to sell toys to, though." "[color=coral]...I'll go get my boss.[/color]" Rie tugged the reins of her horses and the wagon took off at a steady and gentle pace. The streets of Pagras was still full of people after all and the Gyoubu Danuki knew there was no point trying to salvage the situation for her Salamander employer. "[color=coral]I'll see you two around. Don't forget to pick up the saddles of your magic horse.[/color]" After doing so, Iskah turned to Vanessa with a satisfied smirk on her face. "Well, best get moving before Katelyn and her crew catches on. Aun should be at the capital which should only be a day or less of travel from here."