-Name: Max Henry -Age: 24 -Appearance: [Searching for a picture] Max is 5' 10" , has moderately light skin, and unkempt black hair. His eyes are green. He typically wears jeans and a t-shirt with a warm sweater over it. He also carries his backpack at all times -Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Outdoorsman/Logger -Starting equipment: His handy Logging Axe: [hider=pic][img=http://www.raymears.com/_rm_pictures_/Gransfors-Small-ForestAxe1.jpg][/hider] and his backpack with a small amount of food and a simple med kit. [hider=pic][img=http://gaby.fachrul.com/img/campingequip/images-camping-hiking-backpacks/backpackcamping-baghiking-bag-tnf-b05-5-china-outdoor-backpack600-x-600-130-kb-jpeg-x.jpg][/hider] -Bio: Max had lived for several years in a small cabin just on the outskirts of the city with his close friend Greg. They lived off the land, dealing with the occasional zombie but never anything major. However, one day they woke up to a horde of Z knocking down their door. They had prepared for this, and so they quickly made towards the roof, where there was ladder leading down. They went down and bypassed the crowd of zombies which was rising in number. Max and Greg made their way towards the city quickly. When they arrived they took a moment to catch their breath in an abandoned building. That's when they realized that the city was no longer the haven they usually expected it to be, as more zombies emerged from the darkness and clambered towards the duo. Greg shot two in the head, but missed doing serious damage to the others. Max fended some off with his axe, but it wasn't enough - A zombie took hold of Greg and bit down on him as he was trying to reload. Max stood petrified as he watched the zombies move closer and turn their focus towards Greg. There was nothing that could be done - Max had to run. And so he did just that, he ran through the city as it died around him. He eventually found a temporary safehouse until he ran out of supplies. He moved on, eventually stumbling upon The Sanctuary.