Shinlo looked down and muttered softly “the scars aren’t related…I’ve had them since I was a child…I…” Ash had come out and said “you were a slave?” Shinlo nodded softly, his hands shaking worse now. “I was…till I was found by a goddess who gave me the gift of the white snake…becoming her mortal ally. Isis” Isis nodded and her tongue came out. Shinlo said “I was a slave at the magic jade mines…whipping was a everyday thing…” Then he said “the plant monsters were weeks ago…hit me from behind before I could destroy them…” he moved to move his shirt but flinched badly as he moved wrong and stopped. Ash moved over and slipped the white shirt off and gasped. “Orion…” The scars on the back were even worse than the front. And new wounds were there, bandaged by himself by the angles. It was all a mess.