[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/k4vZvBd2/Castaway-P1.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h1]Zastaway[/h1] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oR0somDrzI&ab_channel=FilmScoreBuff]♫[/url][/b][/center] As the Cazenax finished scurrying up the side of the Blue Adam, he flopped onto the deck with the grace of a man stumbling on a couple of wines and gasped for air. He looked upward only to find his stubby snout graced with the kiss of a flintlock. [hider=Anthal] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228216855458611210/forceandfury_Hand_holding_a_flintlock_pistol.png?ex=66347795&is=66220295&hm=f95d65ef2421df192566b9d847bf77f6651e7388921918fb6dd4c3197a9f54a2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=orange]"Fancy seein’ your mug here, you greasy little nutsack."[/color] Zast looked up to see a blonde pretty-boy pointing the gun. With such a well-maintained hairdo and billowy shirt amid a fight, the Cazenax thought the man had a higher chance of trying to take him to bed than actually shooting him. But that wasn't exclusive to this one, it was the same thing for most Yasoi playing pirates. [color=orange]"Remember me?"[/color] Around the ship, all the other pirates seem occupied with the present battle and while a few paid the exchange a passing glance, it was a one-on-one. Zast stood up straight to his impressive height less than half that of the blonde and watched the flintlock get clutched just a little tighter. Zast squinted trying to see if the Yasoi's face would spark any bells in the recesses of his booze-addled memories. [color=78d15a]"Anthal!"[/color] Zast smiled dubiously in the vague memory he screwed him over a few years back. [color=78d15a]"I barely recognized ya there. Boy, how you’ve grow-"[/color] [color=orange]”We’re the same age.”[/color] Anthal interrupted as he levelled the gun further into the goblin’s forehead. [color=orange]"I never got the chance to get you back for taking my money and leaving me for dead. So, you have the coin to cover my payback?”[/color] Zast chuckled awkwardly. Didn’t seem like there was much getting around of this one. [color=78d15a]"Well I can’t say I have it on me. But if you ask a certain bartender in Belzagg, I’m sure he’ll give you a couple‘a almonds under the table if you ask nicely."[/color] He grinned, at least he could go out on a classy note. [color=0072bc]"Hold it, Junior."[/color] The captain, who Zast knew to be John Adam, had finally paid the exchange some mind and saved him from a bullet to the head. [color=0072bc]"Leave this one to me."[/color] Anthal, with some hesitation, released the flintlock and stepped back looking annoyed. Zast smiled at him, trying to get a rise out of the Yasoi but it was to no success. Anthal'alan'tormiiyei, or John Adam as recognized by Zast, was an upgraded blueprint of his son. With age and experience lining his features, he exuded confidence and even smiled down his nose at the Cazenax. It was a strangely positive reception given the circumstances Although Zast supposed the main difference there was he hadn’t rinsed this man of every cent like his son. [color=0072bc]"Cazenax, I can see you dress like us, you steal like us, do you consider yourself a pirate?"[/color] His voice carried an air of high purpose and morals, Zast loved those kinds of people. [color=0072bc]"I believe that these waters, like any other seas, belong to no one but those who can take it. Perhaps you see the world as I do?"[/color] [color=78d15a]"Cawuio-Zast."[/color] He introduced himself and took a cigar out of his coat pocket and lit it as if it had never seen water. [color=78d15a]"We’re in the same trade, Mr Adam. The seas, no, nothing on this earth can be owned by a person. The world should belong to the free and that’s that."[/color] The captain didn’t respond to ‘Mr Adam’ too kindly but overlooked it. He knelt to get eye level with the Cazenax but was looking down at him. [color=0072bc]"Then we are allies in this fight. Across the waters, the Virangish seek to steal from the wreck while hiding behind a false sense of legality."[/color] He spat on the ground. [color=0072bc]"At least we’ll be the honest ones on the seas."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Help us and we’ll share the loot. Deal?"[/color] [color=78d15a]"Deal."[/color] Zast received a blue scarf from the captain so that the crew would recognise him as an ally. He wrapped the scarf around his head as a bandana. Sanette, a young tethered woman, called the captain over with a sense of urgency. A look of worry painted her, but Zast couldn’t stay to listen in. [hider=Sanette] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/yYVYFZ0z/forceandfury-The-elvish-pirate-Sanette-Tormiiyei.webp[/img][/center] [/hider] It was time to get to work on the ship. [color=78d15a]"I’m here as a representative of Ersand’Enise!"[/color] Zast announced. [color=78d15a]"The school is giving you all their full support and as such I have a present here, courtesy of High Zeno Silvestri."[/color] The Cazenax placed his jacket on the deck, then swiped it up to reveal an entire gunpowder barrel and a stack of cannonballs. This fight would not end under Zast’s watch. The captain heard this announcement and shot the little green charlatan a wry smile. Sure, this Cawuio-Zast figure was a liar. But that didn’t matter right now. He could spout mistruths until the sun broke. He was useful as long as he believed in the cause and supplied munitions toward it. [hr][hr][center][h1]A Sinking Ship[/h1] Raffie [@Emeth] & Ren [@Suicharte] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc3qZ1HtwsM&ab_channel=HansZimmer-Topic]♫[/url][/b][/center] Raffie’s attempts to bring caution to the Virangish ship by name-dropping Ren caused a bit of hesitation among some of the sailors. But when the first volley of cannon fire hit the Altın Oğul it rocked with the sounds of shattered wood. It was a powerful and unforgiving hit that saw a couple of sailors falling off the side only to be devoured by threshers. The name Ren Baykara [i]had[/i] caused some hesitation, but they didn’t hesitate after [i]that[/i]. The pirates weren’t going to stop at that name and if they were to stop, then there wouldn’t be a ship left for the famed Virang noble to board. Once he was on board, Ren’s warning to the pirates also fell on deaf ears. Across the way, he could see the scoundrels loading up for a second volley. The engagement had not been kind to the Virangish flagship and a couple of kinetic mages on the other side of the conflict had seen the Blue Adam taking far less damage. The backup and coordination from the other pirate ships had seen the Virangish fleet no longer having the numbers advantage. To make things worse, all on board the Altın Oğul could feel a slow and steady decline. The ship was sinking after the first volley, but this didn’t mean a concluded battle yet. [hider=Celik] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228223678890643496/forceandfury_A_rugged_and_experienced_Ottoman_sea_captain_of_th_4619e9e6-f527-4e4a-a1ef-06d6122ceb3d.png?ex=66347df0&is=662208f0&hm=6dd90e9ee6e494038d4b2f0838fb2e1ebb491db2a74f394f40a0c1be199e1781&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=a0410d]"Binders! Get below deck and get us floating again."[/color] Metin Çelik, Captain of the Altın Oğul, barked orders while making his way toward the students. After such an unfavourable exchange, some sailors paid the captain some glances expecting the order for a disengagement. The binders were effective but not world-class by any means, they would need time to repair the hull and get the water out. This would be time they wouldn’t have if they were to suffer another volley from the Blue Adam. But no order of retreat came, instead they were called to prepare another volley. The first and second mates carried out the orders. Even with a lack of experience in naval warfare, Raffie could see that this conflict was going to get ugly. Scanning the waters, she could see that most of the other students had gotten out of the way and were heading toward the shore of Pelolia. Looking back toward Ren, it didn’t seem as though he had taken any notice of this. [hider=Balik] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228223679390027837/forceandfury_A_young_Ottoman_woman_of_the_seventeenth_century.png?ex=6624abf0&is=66235a70&hm=de04a68be77703b2407cc77b16f2ec11ea95dd74cd7a1425aafa51e2a388c3e3&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=007236]"What the hell are you doing!?"[/color] Balik reprimanded a young sailor while holding him by the collar. The swabbie seemed pale and stumbled over himself, he was too inexperienced to be useful in a fight like this and it showed. Balik sighed and pointed toward Raffie. [color=007236]"Tend to the pink one and stay out of the way."[/color] It may have been anyone’s first inclination to take a girl like Raffie to safety. But with such a magnificent display, she had shown herself capable beyond what first impressions would dictate. The swabbie approached and gave her a salute (where one was not required). [color=86f0a6]"Anything you need, ma'am?"[/color] The boy looked only a little older than her but was generally unimpressive. He likely wasn’t a mage and this was likely his first time seeing any conflict at all. Even Raffie could deduce that he was at the bottom of the totem pole on this ship. [hr] [color=a0410d]"Ren Baykara."[/color] The captain shook the noble’s hand. [color=a0410d]"Seems Vashdal has brought us favour in this fight. I was a guest at your plantations in Palapar a couple of years back. If you are even half as impressive of a mage as you are in your work, I couldn’t imagine someone I would want more at our backs. Shall we send these pyrate dogs to the depths?"[/color] Ren didn’t need abundant knowledge of naval conflicts to know the situation. He only needed to know people and the captain told the exact direction of this fight. Honest eyes betrayed the lies he wished to tell Ren and himself. The captain had spoken in a way that Ren knew intimately well. It was the final burst of pride in a man gave before he submitted to the leash. A moment where the mind could see a situation for what it is and recognise inevitable defeat, but the heart could simply not allow it. The difference, of course, is that this man was a brave son of Virang and would never see a collar. Instead, a loss to simple pirates would result in the disgrace of a well-distinguished military career. But they made for similar looks indeed. Ren could deduce that the captain had foreseen a losing battle before the noble's arrival and doubted their chances still with Ren present. What a disappointing lack of faith. [hider=Opportunities] - Raffie has the chance to flee toward the other students and join them if she wishes. This will not be a kind battle and she can see that. See also has the choice of whether or not to tell Ren about where the other students are heading. [/hider] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/kgLkn0cg/Castaway-P2.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h1]Ashore[/h1] Maura [@Ti], Mahal [@Fallenreaper], Kaureerah [@Force and Fury], Tku [@dragonpiece], & Marz [@Th3King0fChaos] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPhg6sc1Mk4&ab_channel=NaturalezaViva-SonidosyPaisajesIncre%C3%ADbles]♫[/url][/b][/center] The cannons still roared in the distance as a second volley fired. The sounds echoed over the water as they reached the islands of Pelolia to the west. While some of the cannonballs strayed dangerously close before harmlessly splashing into the water, the students of Ersand’Enise were safe for the time being. At least from the battle they had landed in. Now that the other pirate ships had caught up with the Blue Adam, it had become an all-out war a short distance from the wreck. Maura’s calls for Zast to negotiate the pirate’s withdrawal had fallen on deaf ears. Whether or not the Cazenax had even communicated such a message was a guessing game. The ships of the Royal Asper Salvage Co. had certainly shown no sign of retreat either. In the absence of diplomacy, the conflict had blossomed and it looked as though it was going to get worse before it got better. Much worse. Those more focused on the waters would notice that the Nikanese and Tarlonese ships were ready some distance away. They didn’t draw closer to the conflict but maintained their distance. They hovered like vultures waiting to pick at the bones left behind. [hider=Wakas] [center][img]https://www.tupapa.nz/assets/tmp_images/size/1200/stackwaka_1536289386339.png[/img][/center] [/hider] The students were not alone on the island. Along the shoreline, wakas lay on the beach, each big enough to hold roughly 20 people. Ship upon ship built with sturdy wood, twin sails unfurled, and the odd cannon mounted awkwardly to a vessel not designed to accommodate one. This did not appear to be a league of fishing ships. It was a naval force big enough to dwarf any other in the current conflict and only a few meters push away from the water. And yet they sat there, unattended and passive, apathetic to the nearby turmoil. The sounds of not-so-distant conversation whisked their way through the sparse jungle line and the flicker of firelight could just be seen peering out between the gaps. Mahal had taken the initiative and was the first to go further in from the shore. However, it was only a moment into the endeavour that she noticed she was being watched. A young girl wearing clothing native to the region was peeking out at her from behind a tree. The two locked eyes for only a second before the girl took off running toward the campfires beyond. Whether Mahal decided to follow the girl, remain where she was, or go back to the group, it didn’t take long before a fighting force came back from the same direction to confront her. They drove her back to the shore where they found the rest of the students. [hider=Prince Tamatoa] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1231454600532332634/forceandfury_The_brash_and_handsome_young_prince_of_a_small_Pol_f3504b57-1c6e-45ec-95fa-5414102e97e8.png?ex=6625e0f8&is=66248f78&hm=d10813b23ad7bfa4de86e7ded7f542dd3fb3fe14d2d5ceefdbd473f45ae88f5a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] A young man stood at the head of the Moata Suva warriors. He was handsome and likely only a few years older than most of the students. Although he carried himself like a practised warrior, there was an equal display of a boy puffing out his chest to appear more formidable, unlike the older warriors at his call. They looked surprised to see a group so young in front of them. [color=e4e675]"You don’t strike me as pirates. Who are you and what are you doing here?"[/color] While the group of warriors didn’t look hostile, they were prepared for a fight if one were to break out. The students of Ersand’Enise were able to communicate their position in the conflict and diffuse the situation. At the end of their explanation, the warriors were more disarmed and open to negotiation. [color=e4e675]"Students of Ersand’Enise…"[/color] The young man considered the situation. [color=e4e675]"My name is Tamatoa, Prince of Moatu Suva."[/color] He made a far friendlier introduction than before. [color=e4e675]"My father has made camp not too far from here. If you have interest in the wreck, I would ask that some of you join us first and share words with him."[/color] It was a friendly invite, although no one got the impression they were being given the option to decline. The prince was an unseasoned diplomat and wasn’t able to hide a frown when he spotted Kaureerah. [color=e4e675]"I will have to insist that the Eeaiko comes with us as well."[/color] He spoke with a notably less friendly tone. Before leaving, he gestured toward the Maura’s crates and the beginnings of the submarine with a curious look. [color=e4e675]"Whatever you’ve got building here, it doesn’t look good. I would ask that you put it together behind the treeline. Otherwise, it could cause problems for both of us if someone out there were to spot it."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1]Warriors wait by Firelight[/h1] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPhg6sc1Mk4&ab_channel=NaturalezaViva-SonidosyPaisajesIncre%C3%ADbles]♫[/url][/b][/center] Prince Tamatoa and his entourage lead the students through to the camp he mentioned. With some cultural variations, most could recognise this as a military encampment. Most of them were warriors, some looked to be workers who maintained the camp such as cooks, and a sparse number of women and children looked to be neither. Much like the boats though, the people seem battle-ready in everything but action. At present, they were sitting on the ground around the numerous bonfires and eating dinner. Some told jokes to each other, some focused on their meal, and only a few of the younger warriors seemed to be anticipating a conflict with some excitement. The cannon fire exchange between the pirates and Virangish ships could still be heard from here, even over the commotion. One could only conclude that they were waiting on something else before they acted, they weren’t expecting it soon but were ready for it, whatever it may be. At the head of the camp, King Kaleo III was not hard to miss. He and his family were only slightly elevated from the rest of the camp by a short wooden stage, but his mountainous form had him a head above most others. He seemed to be in a good mood, talking among the other decorated warriors at his fire. Next to him sat Queen Kanani, who didn’t look to be a warrior but kept up in equal parts with her husband in conversation. Beside her sat Princess Leilani who seemed to shy away from it all. And finally, the young girl whom Mahal had seen earlier was Princess Tiare. She sat on the other side of her father but carried a level of excitement that could see her shoot away again at any second. [hider=King Kaleo] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228239869348810772/forceandfury_The_king_of_a_small_Polynesian_island_in_the_seven_b68cef37-0a38-4722-959f-c41e4cd37f32.png?ex=66348d04&is=66221804&hm=6d41271f028f1d3e2ffc993380cb819650dc514e6d05a2bb7cc0f8d73af63a21&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Queen Kanani] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228239870028415058/forceandfury_the_queen_consort_of_a_small_Polynesian_kingdom.png?ex=66348d04&is=66221804&hm=804ed5ad0a4f8458b0643af3ec454c8531f345461050cb71fc011955ef84b9d8&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Princess Leilani] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228239871207014441/forceandfury_The_princess_of_a_small_Polynesian_kingdom.png?ex=66348d04&is=66221804&hm=ec1d52319e08f6d9050aa91d747ce90525ca3f533ecddca441556e8785959b3a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Princess Tiare] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191490667482976326/1228239871995416616/forceandfury_The_princess_of_a_small_Polynesian_kingdom.png?ex=66348d05&is=66221805&hm=df6100e3fe9a3cb7535e07e039a393d977db9f09e7b83599b799395ac8e7f759&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=676&height=676[/img][/center] [/hider] Walking through the camp, Kaureerah would pick up on a few glances going her way. Could they be looks of suspicion? Hostility? It was difficult to tell. But it didn’t make her feel welcome, even if the group was being given the courtesy of a prince’s escort. [hider=Opportunities] - Some students will need to hold an audience with the king. This doesn’t need to be all the students. Kaureerah, while not being strong-armed, is not being given much choice unless she puts up significant resistance. - If you wish to use it, the submarine will still need to be put together. This will be under the watch of some guards who won’t allow it to see the water unless King Kaleo allows it. - You may overhear some of the younger warriors, joined by Prince Tamatoa, talking about the wreck. They seem to be excited for a fight and annoyed at sitting around. By the end of this cycle, the group ideally would have formed a plan and will be at the start of executing on it. [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h2]Afterword[/h2][/center][hr][hr] The running of this mission has been handed over to me from Force. I would like to address two things: 1 I have approximately zero knowledge of maritime history or combat. The initial post had a lot of detailed and considered descriptions of ship combat. I will not be able to do this. 2 This is my first time running a mission. While I have Foodie more or less advising me on things, I am the captain of this ship and it may not be the smoothest ride as a result. For the above reasons, I ask for some degree of patience and leeway as I may make mistakes. Let's have fun with this mission and see it to a good conclusion! [hr][hr]