[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231110/8d749d906d93af45726a04f7ecf5f219.png[/img][/center][hr][i]“Chosen by the Chosen… I would never have imagined.”[/i] Jannick huffed, offended at Renata’s surprise. Sure, he wouldn’t have nominated himself either, and being a Templar wasn’t his first choice, but he wasn’t going to be looked down upon by a crazy homeless woman! He kept his grip on her as she rambled on, prattling about faith and children and shoelaces. Jannick only half listened - she thought the spirits were angry, and of course she was the only one who could soothe them - it wasn’t anything new by Renata standards. She started to berate the guard again, earning her a stern [i]“Renata,”[/i] but otherwise didn’t cause much more trouble. Annoying, but generally harmless. It would have been nostalgic if it wasn’t so exasperating. Jannick had opened his mouth to tell Renata that she had to leave and let them get on with their business when Sara came out with a different suggestion. [color=9A906B]“You’re right, that [i]would[/i] be irresponsible,”[/color] Jannick retorted, probably a little sharper than he should have been. He sighed, although he didn’t release Renata just yet. [color=9A906B]“I mean, you heard the man - the forest is dangerous, we can’t put a civilian in harm’s way on purpose just because she might get herself in trouble anyway.”[/color] He turned to the guard. [color=9A906B]“Is there a police force in this town, or is it just you guys? Is there somewhere you could hold her until we’re done? For her safety.”[/color] [hr][right][@OwO] [@Abstract Proxy] [@Stern Algorithm] [@Hero][/right]