[color=lightgray][center][h2][color=0072bc]Count Calbert Damien[/color] & [color=teal]Countess Liliane Damien[/color][/h2][/center] [color=0072bc]Location:[/color] Damien Estate --> [color=0072bc] Calbert leaves for the church[/color] and [color=teal]Lily goes to Cassius's room[/color] [color=teal]Time:[/color] [b]10am[/b] [color=0072bc]Mentions:[/color] [@Tpartywithzombi] Violet [@PapaOso] Cassius [hr] The morning sun peeked intermittently through the parting clouds, offering a muted light that filtered through the large windows of the Damien estate's dining room, setting the polished silverware on the table aglow. The room was painted a gentle shade of lilac. At the center stood a long, dark wooden table surrounded by chairs with tall, ornate backs. Above, a chandelier with dangling crystals scattered light all over the room. A fireplace with a detailed mantelpiece housed a quietly crackling fire that provided a warm contrast to the cool, rainy morning. Occasional raindrops pattered against the windowpanes, adding a rhythmic counterpoint to the room’s silence. This serene backdrop was all a juxtaposition to the family's current unease. Calbert sat at the head of the table, his impeccably tailored suit and neatly combed long hair a testament to his outward control, but the tight set of his jaw and the occasional clenching of his fists betrayed the storm raging within him. As he glanced across the table at Liliane, his expression softened momentarily. She appeared fragile this morning, the worry for their missing daughter Violet etching deeper lines into her face. Her hands trembled slightly as she held her teacup, her gaze lost in the swirling steam. [color=0072bc]"I simply cannot fathom this," [/color] Calbert's voice cut through the quiet, a restrained growl of frustration. [color=0072bc]"An entire night has passed, and there’s still no word on Violet. "[/color] The sigh that followed was heavy with the weight of accumulated woes, [color=0072bc] "...Haven't we been through enough?"[/color] Liliane looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resolve. [color=teal] "We will find her, Calbert."[/color] Calbert rose, his movements resonant with pent-up energy. [color=0072bc] "When? And what then of tonight? Will she vanish again? ...We need action, [i]decisive[/i] action. I will not have our family threatened constantly."[/color] A glance from Liliane towards their daughter Crystal, silently observing the scene, seemed to bring him back to the moment. His voice softened, tempered with a tenderness that underscored his words. [color=0072bc]"Lily, please rouse Cassius and bring some of our guards, scour the town. Visit her frequented spots... The city guard continues their search, but I cannot abide idleness."[/color] Approaching her, he lifted her hand to his lips. [color=0072bc]"Cassius will protect you, my love... I must attend the church event, as appearances must be upheld for the time being, otherwise, I'd come with you. I will request further assistance from King Edin whilst I am there."[/color] Setting her teacup aside, Liliane stood decisively. [color=teal]"I’ll see it done, Calbert. But remain steady; our endeavors from the shadows will come to fruition. Your actions last night have set things in motion for the better, you'll see."[/color][/color]