[b]Allimone, ODS Gestopo[/b] Noticing the human ship entering the hanger bay, another team of Pols were dispatched to meet the humans. The Captain simply said "Yes, follow me, we're gonna head to another room, the Equestrians and Triarians will meet us shortly". The teams led the humans to an extravagant room, with a window in the left hand corner revealing the planet Allimone, a cool, forest/mountain ridden planet; lovely. Inside the room were the Triarians on the left end of a square table, the Equestrians at the right end, and the Hach ambassador in the back end. The guards motioned for Fergus McClain to seat himself and his soldiers at the table. "Hello all, I am Ambassador Kalihary, I am sure you know of my decent already but in case you don't, I am a Comu Hach. Now, I have been issued for a diplomatic meeting to discuss trade routes, declarations of friendship (if possible), and technology. The last one is something we are yearning for. Now, however, let's start by having one of you three speaking, yes?"