Ishiu ran out and knelt by Serena, checking her over. “She’s drained and this looks like energy friction…but her soul is still intact. I think she will be alright with treatment and rest. If we had a monster that aided in healing it would help greatly but…” she rested a hand on Serena’s forehead and smiled. “You did well Guardian…that attack would have hurt Yami worse then anything else…you did well…” she looked at her brother and said “keep her safe and let me know of any change. I’ll go check on dear Yugi” she stood and moved over to Tristen, know moved so she could check on Yugi. “His alright. Just tired and tapped out. Using his powers in a shadow realm battle and his monsters being taken down take a toll. But he was defending his friends so…I see his true self like this” Tristen smiled and looked down at his friend. “Ya…he fought well in there…” Odion moved to back up the pharaoh and said “I am here my king…if you need me…” Adam was shaking next to Duke and said “why did you do this Drake? I don’t understand any of…” then he stopped and knelt down, making Drake look at him. “Wait a minute…Drake?” Drake was fighting against Seto still but his eyes looked wrong. Adam looked at Yami and said “his eyes weren’t red like this. He normally had blue eyes. His not even a duelist. His game is Dice Monsters.” Duke looked at Yami and said “could he…be being control like other duelists you’ve faced in the past?” Odion said “a dark spirit using him as a pawn? It’s highly possible. Or…using him as a puppet. Like master Marik in the past…” Adam moved and forced Drakes shirt open and they all saw the same scars on his chest Serena had now. They all froze at that. Adam cursed and said “he didn’t turn sides…they took his soul and now using his body like a game piece…I knew this all felt wrong…he wouldn’t do this to Serena…”