Duke moved to help moved Drake onto his back and checked his pulse. “His alive…he may need a hospital…” Drake stirred and opened his eyes slowly. “Aaron…I have…warn…him…Serena…” he flinched as he tried to move. Adam stared and said “that’s the Drake I know…” Drake looked around and saw them standing there. “Wait…the duel…what…” he flinched again. Ishizu moved to him and nodded to Odion. He knelt and helped sit up and she said “we are friends. Are you alright?” Drake looked around weakly and saw Seto and he said “wait…mr. Kaiba? What…you weren’t here…Aaron…said he was meeting you in a few days…” he held his head and Odion said “his soul is in bad shape. They must have done more to him then just take him from his body.” Drakes eyes opened and said “no…I lost…the duel…I am not a duelist but I..had to stall so Aaron could…get to Serena…” he looked up at a saw Yami and he stared a moment. “Wait…king of games? I…I don’t understand what’s going on…” Yugi was trying to get up and said “Seto? Can he go to your hospital? To recover fully? I think he needs that kind of help”