Kaiba got up from where he was sitting as he watched the interaction when Drake came back to his senses. He sighed as he figured that Drake would need medical attention so he pulled out his cell phone and dialed for a helicopter from his company and some medical professionals. He then looked back to Yugi. "Already done. I sent for a car as well. It will be here shortly." Yami's eyes widened a bit at Drake calling him the King of Games. It had been so long since he was called that. He knelt down next to Drake as he explained what he had last done. "Know you are safe now. We will explain what we can when you have seen a hospital. For now let my friends see to you while we wait for help." He assures as he then gets up and looks back to Serena and Yugi. He walked over to Yugi and smiles. "You alright Yugi?" He asks his partner, still worried about him but just glad he was awake and alright.