[color=f7941d] "Well, I thought I was asked to make a sculpture for the Queen but this seems less and less likely.” [/color] [color=82ca9d]“Huh. Odd”[/color] Gwyn sat on the table in thought while the dwarf finished his job. "[color=f7941d]You don't happen to have any ideas as to what is going on yourself, do you?” [/color] [color=82ca9d]“That would be nice wouldn’t it” [/color]she looked around then rested her chin on her fist and laughed, “[color=82ca9d]maybe we’re all about to be sacrificed to a blood god”[/color] Something moved under the table against her leg. She flipped her head over to take a look. A large cat with tufted ears. “[color=82ca9d]You’re hoping to get some dropped food aren’t ya”[/color] She flipped back up to face the dwar[color=82ca9d]f “I think our friend here might have some ideas”[/color] She hopped up from the table. Her knee spasmed, it was being bitchy from the rough boat ride. She limped a few steps then regained her normal stride as she went to examine the food table, closely looking for a good bit of meat, one with minimal seasonings, at least free of any that would endanger a cat. She found her selection and went back to the table and crouched down to offer it to the cat, sitting on the floor next to it as it ate. “[color=82ca9d]I bet you have some opinions as to what’s going on”[/color] The cat looked up at her. It definitely did know a bit of what was going on. Or at least understood the gravity of the situation. She wrinkled her nose, thanked the cat and sat on the table again. “[color=82ca9d]I don’t know what’s going on. Seems more serious than an art commission though” [/color]