Just gauging interest on who's still rolling with this. Not looking to shutter things, but I want to see who's still looking to be involved. I'm guessing [@Skai], [@Qia], [@Venus], [@Kuro], [@Roman]... Might compartmentalise things a bit, section off "groups", if we have people who are dropping out, to up the focus on those still interested. As I have said before, those on the NPC list [b]ARE[/b] welcome to return (assuming it can be worked) down the line. I get inspiration can wax and wane, as can free time. But I [b]WOULD[/b] like to see if I can make the experience a bit better for the active folks looking for some pep in the game. ...even if it means having faster and slower paced segments of the game, where things reunite further down the line. I will come up with some GM stuff that works the NPCs in as well, both GM-created and former PCs (if you don't much care for having your characters moved around on my dopey whims, there's an easy way to fix that...) But yes, next few days if you can let me know your interest/engagement level, I'd like to try and hit as many people's wants as possible. [hr] In addition, [@Zoldyck] has been added to the NPC list with Sasha.