[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b60150e9-0a1e-4e4e-b4c7-a7bd655b857d.png[/img][/center][hr] [i]He was late. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.[/i] The Phantom Theif had spent days proceeding the forest excursion helping the townsfolk wherever he could rebuild the village. Although he couldn't do much in terms of physical labor, he had Arsene help with that, but he did know how to make rope. He also experimented with various hinges with his tinkering, using his spare time to make new contraptions with the new materials he had access to, most of which were utterly useless. Without Mona's instructions, he had to start from square one... which didn't bother him much. Come the time the merchant's convoy arrived, he was finishing up another one of his contraptions, a smoke bomb that he remembered making before in preparation for delving into Mementos, but substituting some things for the materials on hand. It was kind of hard to find things one would find at the store near Leblanc in a different world while in a town surrounded by forest. Drawn by a slight air of conflict, he drifted out from behind the hunter's lodge, walking toward the group of people, stretching out his back as he did so, just in time to hear Remilia offering up her hemomancy as a form of healing. His tailcoat gently flowed in a light breeze that whistled past, his eyes giving a calculated glance toward the caravan members behind the mask. He didn't quite know what the slight tension in the air was, but he could tell that at least Mokou wanted to fight... It was like she was looking for things to give away her life to... [color=ed1c24]"So, whats going on here?"[/color] His gloved hand drifted to his hip, where his knife was tucked away within his coat, shifting his weight to one side as the boy, not particularly trusting of the newcomers...