"Flawlessly..." Bad echoed. The morning was still young, but the heat was already on the caravan like a heavy blanket, the air stifling and the humidity clinging to the skin. The radioactive sun, ever distant, still somehow felt oppressive. Avian lifeforms screeched and cawed, flapping intermittently above them as the strange beasts of burden chittered and clicked, their 'necks' spewing forth bursts of air from some gill-lick protrusions. Bad had never seen their like, but the locals had assured him they were docile and dependable, so they were good enough for him. Unlike the night before, Bad was fully kitted. His pack was slung over his shoulders, and at his hip was hung his Sagax-saber. The Sagax sword designs were centuries old at this point, high carbon steel swords with a zenon-coating agent and depleted uraniam infused in the edges of the blade to help it cut through armor with greater ease than a normal sword. Privateers and adventurers had discovered long ago that in the close quarters of ships or in environs where ranged weapons could be damaged, a well made sword was as useful as it was back in the 17th century seas. In his hands was his HKG155 assault rifle, with a short stroke gas operated piston and a cartridge of 50 rounds of plasma-infused shells. It was better than most small arms at piercing armor, but it still was no replacement for good old fashioned heavy munitions. He had four cartridges in his pack and held it casually, its long sling across his shoulder. The sun peered down, igniting his dark hair and black, form hugging shirt with light, merely advertising how black both were. They had traveled four miles without incident, save for a few of the cargo handlers nearly having a fist fight over some argument Bad really hadn't had the curiosity to find out on. But once they got going, it was so far, so good. Soon, the sound of a rushing river grew audible over the rustlings and wind of the jungle. Bad remembered from the datapad that it was the first big obstacle, and given a two star threat level as a potential ambush sight. He placed the stock on his rifle and held it up, signalling for Inez he was moving forward to check it out, giving a small wave to indicate she could take the left if he went right.