[center][h1][b][color=violet]Clarissa Ryte[/color][/b][/h1] [i]Upstairs, Second Floor, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City (Urban Exploration)[/i][/center] [i][b][color=orange]CRASH [center]THUNK[/center] [right]FLOP[/right] [h3]THUD!!![/h3][/color][/b][/i] Clarissa endured the Gust as best as she could, though the beating her hair and clothes took was certainly not unexpected. Thank goodness it wasn't a far stronger Pokemon, or else-....well, she didn't want to think about it. Getting thrown back into a wall or down a flight of stairs wasn't appetizing as a thought or a thing to have to deal with on the conceptual level. However, for now at least, the Murkrow was on the ground now. Sir Lopsalot was too, for that matter. That much made the psychic glad to some extent, though, as she quickly reached back into her things for a moment while seeing the scene in front of her. Not that Sir Lopsalot seemed to find what was going on all very palatable, admittedly, given he was hitting at the Murkrow's beak with his little fists to try to defend himself now as well. In some capacity, really, the two Pokemon looked like two siblings fighting over something stupid until both of them were bruised and beaten up. But perhaps that was a bit of well-wishing? Ah, well, or something of the sort. But what could the adventerous duo do at a time like this? With the enemy in such a position, it was the perfect time to try to do something effective! They had come here to battle and catch one of these Pokemon, after all. [quote]“Muuuur…!”[/quote] "Bun!" Perhaps it was time to chance a Pokeball now? It seemed reasonable enough, even if it wasn't a perfect guarantee in the end. Worst case? Ah, Sir Lopsalot could....oh! That could work well, at least if it came through. Er, at any rate, she'd been practicing her throwing a good bit before coming to Byjerfal in the first place at least. So maybe they could have a moment to try something to better the odds for the time being, if nothing else, and see if the hurt put on the Murkrow was enough to catch it as well. Either way it would further the goal of trying to complete their mission here! THhough hopefulyl thhey'd meet up with the others before eventually escaping this place and going to the Contest! [center][i]*Clarissa threw a Pokeball at the Wild Murkrow!*[/i][/center] [color=violet]"Prepare a Power-Up Punch, and be ready to attack it immediately, if it breaks out of the Pokeball!"[/color] Even if the Pokeball merely brought them a moment's reprieve, if it was enough time for Sir Lopsalot to get a good attack ready....then they might have a chance! Still, if the Pokeball hit the Murkrow and interrupted the two Pokemon's battle Sir Lopsalot would nod as he did what his trainer had told him to. Albeit he would wince in pain....the damage was racking up for sure in the fight. But he had to perservere! He would not stop until the battle was won! Such was the seriousness of his incredible resolve. (Though if the Pokeball for some reason didn't hit the Murkrow and try to capture it, Sir Lopsalot would just try to smack the Murkrow back into the nearest wall with a Power-Up Punch instead.) Would the fist of justice once again crash into Sir Lopsalot's foe before the day was through? Would the attempt to catch the Pokemon previal? Only the whims of fate and chance could tell now.... [@Rune_Alchemist]