[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1184338807965888622/1224202026230087710/Headers.png?ex=6638517b&is=6625dc7b&hm=c876f231b360e0e19116c9618d05875f94db04d9eadb6e44642c22e4aeb3dbba&[/img][/center] [color=#758173]Time:[/color] Morning [color=#758173]Location:[/color] Munir's Room [color=#758173]Attire:[/color] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1184338807965888622/1230631956639907901/2024-04-18_14_31_19.672-0700.jpg?ex=66340652&is=66219152&hm=a783c767d82dcbdb86897f4cb079e3366b27b349ce5dd0626c32d05a9cca1e68&]Munir's Shirt[/url] [color=#758173]Interaction:[/color] [@Infinite Cosmos] Munir [color=#758173]Mentions:[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BCGMDwO.png[/img][/center] When Munir gently picked up her hands, Mina couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth amidst the turmoil within her. His kisses felt like soft whispers of reassurance, a reminder of the connection they shared. Yet she still couldn't bring herself to look at him as she lay her head on her knees that she'd been previously gripping tightly. Silent tears had begun to fall as she tried desperately to get a hold of herself and calm her racing heart. As Munir released her hands and lifted her face to meet his, Mina found herself lost in the depths of his eyes. His words washed over her, filling her with a sense of both comfort and uncertainty. Was he being truthful? Had his words really only been a joke? Wasn't there always some truth to jokes? So many questions raced through her mind, but she tried to shove them away and really focus on what was being said now, believing what was said in this moment. When he asked her to promise never to shed another tear because of him, Mina hesitated. She understood his intentions, his desire to shield her from pain, but she couldn't bring herself to make such a promise. Instead, she gently touched his cheek, her thumb tracing the contours of his face. [color=#758173]"I can't promise you that, Munir,"[/color] she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. [color=#758173]"Life is unpredictable, and relationships are complex. Tears are a natural part of being human, and I can't guarantee that we'll never face challenges or hardships. But what I can promise you is this: I will always communicate with you, openly and honestly. We'll face whatever comes our way together, and we'll work through it, no matter how difficult it may be."[/color] Mina's eyes searched Munir's, hoping he would understand the depth of what she was saying. [color=#758173]"I promise to always be here for you, to support you, and to love you with all that I am,"[/color] she continued, her voice steady with determination. Then Mina took a deep breath. [color=#758173]"But we can't discuss marriage until I know you understand me, my plights, and what could be coming in the future,"[/color] she added firmly, her voice steady despite the lingering traces of uncertainty. [color=#758173]"I still have more to tell you, what I've told you so far is only the tip of the iceberg."[/color] She reached out, gently placing her hand over Munir's heart, feeling the steady rhythm beneath her touch. [color=#758173]"I need you to be fully aware of who I am and what I carry with me every single day, Munir,"[/color] she continued, her tone earnest. [color=#758173]"Only then can we truly decide if marriage is something we both want and are ready for."[/color] Mina's expression softened as she searched Munir's face, a silent plea for understanding and patience shining in her eyes. [color=#758173]"I want nothing more than to share my life with you, but I need to know that you're ready to accept all of me, including the parts that may be difficult or challenging, and I need you to realize this isn't a joke,"[/color] she explained, her voice tinged with vulnerability. [color=#758173]"Can you promise me that, Munir?”[/color] Perhaps there was a twinge of bitterness to her voice, upset that at first he couldn't take her confession seriously and made a joke out of it, but she hadn't been lying when she said they'd face challenges together and work through them. She knew that bitter feeling would fade before long.