[color=f49ac2]“HA”[/color] one voice rang out louder than the others and the attention of the room was drawn to one older woman who stammered apologies and then said what was on the minds of many there. Or at least what was on Gwynn’s mind. She looked familiar. Gwynn had seen this woman before in the house of Lady Carnviel. Her name was Mary. When she was visiting the lady with her duchess years ago she had snuck off following a cat and ended up in Mary’s workroom where she ended up discussing embroidery with her. Unbeknownst to Mary this conversation had been a great comfort to the younger Gwynn who could tell that Mary, like her, was very much out of place in the houses of nobles. Mary was now even more out of place here. Gwynn silently cursed whoever dragged the poor woman into this. She leaned over to the woman from her spot on the table and whispered [color=82ca9d]“I don’t think any of us know what’s going on here. I certainly don’t know why I’m here”[/color] with an empathetic chuckle hoping to put the woman at ease. She straightened herself and in a gentle but assertive tone told her [color=82ca9d]“come, sit”[/color] tapping the bench she was on. This was a woman that was very attentive to rank and status. Casual address from one she knew to be above her would likely fluster her further, so Gwynn chose to frame her offer as instruction.