[center][h1][color=#00ff66]Jase the Assassin[/color][/h1] [h2]??? — Mosslit Cavern[/h2][/center] [hr] The exited the cave up on a small cliffside above a forest, the sun shining brightly overhead. He took a few moments trying to spot some landmarks, especially water - they weren't going to survive long without that. Despite the green canopy beneath them, it didn't necessarily mean there was easily available surface water. There also didn't look to be any signs of civliization - an army could be lying in wait under the cover of the forest, but he'd expect signs or at least the smell of smoke. Assuming he could spot water, they could follow it downstream and find themselves a town or village, even a city. The others were already starting down the faint remains of a trail, although by the look of it, it hadn't been traveled or maintained in some time. How did whoever brought that chest made it all the way up here? There might have been other items stashed away there - but considering how remote this location was, it made little sense. Still, it suggested there had been some sort of civilization here at one time. He envied Vrelenor his staff, that would be helpful with this trecherous path. Unfortunately, the nearest sapling was far below. What he wouldn't give right now for a bit of rope, or a decent map and compass? "Sing out if you see water," he said gruffly, glancing behind him at the knight. "And mind your step." As he made his way carefully down, he kept an eye out for some flint, quartz, or some other suitable stone. He had no idea how cold it might get later that night, but starting a small fire would help keep animals at bay as well as keeping them warm. And someone might see their smoke. Not to mention all those primative tools his instructors showed him how to improvise in the field. [hr] [@Crusader Lord][@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin]