[indent][indent][indent][quote][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6]Rule #1: Yes, And...[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/quote][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent]As the crew gradually filed into the common area, even Sabriel could admit that, given the physical assault from not [i]just[/i] Harper-- fully expected if he was being [i]completely[/i] honest with himself --but [i]Bezaliel[/i] as well-- less expected, but, still not that surprising, to say the least --things definitely weren't going [i]entirely[/i] as planned when he initially set his mind on waking everyone up, but, he was never one to be thrown off his game, especially in the name of dramatics! He was right on top of things with each remark directed his way, giving hearts, flipping the bird, sticking his tongue out, and even grabbing onto Dr. Gate's blanket as she passed by to try and tug it away. He was unsuccessful in that, of course, but then again he was more aiming to [i]annoy[/i] than actually steal. He really was an overgrown child at times, but in all honestly, [i]that was his intention[/i]. The suffering of others, even in minor tones, was really what he lived for these days. If he had to be [i]absolutely insufferable[/i] to achieve that, well, so be it. As the final two members of their so-called team piled out of the hall--a stark contrast they both were, walking together. Two inhuman beings. An abomination of animal traits in a barely humanoid form, standing but a few feet tall, nearly half the size of anyone else in the room. This chaotic mix avian, chiroptera, caprinae, and felid genes was known to many as simply Casey, preferring to abandon nir given family name. The second being walking just behind them was a ghastly sight of taut flesh stretched over elongated bones, stretching well-over nine feet tall. It was a colossus compared to the feathery creature shuffling in front of it. This was the resident [i]alien[/i], Rubber, as it chose to be called-- though for what reason it would choose [i]that[/i] of all names was beyond anyone's understanding. In contrast to Casey's tired shamble out of the hall and toward the couch, Rubber took long, reaching steps which brought it across the room in a mere few strides. It stopped above Sabriel and glowered down at him. "What is the being of this [i]noise[/i]?" it hissed, "I was to be having a pleasant dream. You are to be ruining this. For this, I will be of making sure you are to be paying." Sabriel couldn't help but snort at Rubber's [i]awful[/i] sentence structuring. He had no idea how [i]Bezaliel[/i] the freak who spoke like a [i]parrot[/i] seemed to have a [i]better[/i] grasp of proper English than the walking Halloween decoration. "'For this, I will be of making sure you are to be paying,'" he repeated, mocking, and finally shifted to get up to his feet. Rubber narrowed its eyes at Sabriel, "What is the being of this mimicry?" it questioned, "Since when is the child man of being like that of the being of my own or the creature being of from beyond these planes?" Again, Sabriel snorted as he straightened up, "Are you talking about [i]Bezaliel[/i]?" he asked, his tone belittling. With a shake of his head he focused on smoothing out his scrubs as he went on, "Honestly, Magnum, for claiming to be the 'higher being' all the time, you sure talk like a gormless knobber." "Who is being this 'Magnum'?" Rubber questioned, "Why are you being of conversing with that of my own but speaking of on another?" As the two bickered, Sabriel continuing to mock Rubber for its speech pattern and lack of understanding in regards to his humor, and Rubber continuing to question Sabriel's words in deepening confusion and growing frustration with the man, Casey flopped nemself onto one of the couches, falling face first into the seat cushion with a long groan, "Fer the love of Genesis, somebody put 'em on mute. [i]Please.[/i] I swear, m'This close to slamming m'self inta the fuckin' wall n' s'ploading this place sky-high."[/indent]