The Continental soared through the lightly trafficked streets. With its roof down, a brisk stream of wind caressed the driver's longish hair. Nathaniel had received tidbits of information throughout the evening - all due to his affliction. Doctor Duncan Fraser, the former x-man who had a recent attempt on his life, was in town. Men and women armed to the teeth had just headed out in a number of black vans and an armoured car was speeding into the city. The information provided to him by his animal friends along with a call to the institute had been enough for the lawyer to conclude that shit was about to go down. High above, birds could be seen flying towards the area. An observant eye could spot a few stray cats and mice heading in the same direction. All from a few simple words [i][color=forestgreen]"Gather who you can and meet me there"[/color][/i] - the wonders of the mutation never ceased to amaze. Naturally, news carried by birds and critters could only travel so fast and Nathaniel's predictive powers ultimately boiled down to a hunch. When he finally arrived at the scene, the battle had been going on for a bit. Unexpectedly, a helicopter hovered in the air - something which his friends had completely missed. What's more - it wasn't just the doctor facing off against a bunch of armed goons, instead, it was a full on fight. Nathaniel's eyes quickly scanned the scene, seeing brutalised street lights, noticeably grey cars and traffic lights, asphalt was dented and a person had seemingly melted in front of a red-headed girl - one whom he knew, a former client. [color=forestgreen]"Right"[/color] he muttered, tightening his deep red tie, remembering that the professor had asked him to see if he could lend the former X-man a hand and keep civilians safe. With a subtle hand gesture, he summoned a dove who landed on the passenger side door. While the fight was raging - Nathaniel remained as calm as ever, safely observing and pulling a few strings from a distance. [color=forestgreen]"See if you and your mates can cause enough havoc to force the pilot to either fly away or land, okay?"[/color] A dutifully cooed [color=darkkhaki]"Aye aye"[/color] could be heard in response. [color=forestgreen]"No heroes, get out if it heats up. Make use of those side doors."[/color] he said, just as the dove took off to execute the plan. His gaze then turned to three rats who stood right below his own door [color=forestgreen]"Can you guys understand me too?"[/color] - just as the question was asked, a violent red light lit up as another mutant seemed to create a powerful electric charge to put a serious dent in a rock-person. [color=forestgreen]"This is way above my pay grade"[/color] he mumbled before looking back to the critters, having heard nothing but small squeaks from them thus far [color=forestgreen]"If anyone raises a gun, just give them a small nibble and run away, okay?"[/color] - after hearing a few more squeaks, Nathaniel could do no more than to hope for the best. He then saw the blonde across the intersection - clearly not part of the armed gang, climb into the armoured car, right before it hummed to life. [color=forestgreen]"Grand theft auto, the prosecution will have a..."[/color] he trailed off as he saw a man raise a rifle at the doctor. Seemingly by instinct, the lawyer quickly flashed the car's main lights, creating just enough of a momentary distraction for a rat to arrive and nibble at the assailant's ankle. It wouldn't buy Dr. Fraser more than a few moments - but it was all he could pull off without getting directly involved in the fray.