[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JgL3zQi.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian/Luca ([@FernStone]), & Vashti ([@Atrophy]).[/right][right][b][code]Kari's House > The Slugfest with 8th.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Emily wants Britney and Lila. If it was just Britney on the line, she would have gladly given herself up for the good of the group. After all, just like what Kenshiro, Sloane, and Clancy said, [i]this was all her fault.[/i] The issue was that they wanted Lila, too. That was just not going to happen... she gave the Noble Vow a little flourish in her hand; if she got close enough, this should be enough to kill Emily and Vashti in one hit and end the threat of the 8th Street Coven [i]for good.[/i] [quote=Luca][color=6B8E23]”We’re not handing them over, Emily. Can’t we talk this out? Was there any need for all of this?”[/color][/quote] Ooooh, Luca. [i]So[/i] painfully naive. There was no way this was going to end [i]without[/i] blood. Britney let out a sigh. [quote=Luca][color=6B8E23]”You should run.”[/color][/quote] Luca spoke to her. She didn't have the right to be spoken to, but he told her to run. Britney thought that the[i] entire Coven[/i] should just cut and run. A fight like this was absolutely stupid. She couldn't find one valid reason that would benefit [i]either[/i] side. Alas, Emily G. Reed didn't see the world the way they did (like a normal, rational, human being) and had to cause needless violence and bloodshed. It was clear that Emily wanted Lila more than anything, however, and maybe if both of them just fled out the back... [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”... Look who it is, the pettiest fucking bitch in the city! You’re not taking anyone, so fuck back off to the hole you came from.”[/color] [/quote] Britney's facial expression crunched up as she saw fucking Linqian and Aryin just [i]marching[/i] out of the house [b][i]half-naked.[/i][/b] She stared at them as they just walked up to Emily, and the color drained from Britney's face as she realized that, regardless of how this goes, they're going to have to fight. They activated some spell, and then they were fully butt-ass-naked as Britney saw the heat shimmering from their body and started boxing with 8th Street's heavy hitters. Okay, sure, a fight was obvious. Britney gave Luca a look and said, [color=f4eb93]”... [i]I'm not running, Luca.[/i]”[/color] That was when Britney climbed off the porch and landed on the ground. [b][color=f4eb93]Connection to the earth established. Grounding with Gaia. Tapping into the essence of [i]Edafosmancy[/i]...[/color][/b] The soil raised off the ground underneath her feet and formed a miniature hill, one that she used to glide across the ground into the fray. She could use her soil manipulation to counter attacks from even the likes of [i]George[/i]. She focused on Vashti, however, who was duking it out with Linqian, and Linqian dived to wrap her arms around her waist. Britney figured that she would give her home-girl some help. [color=f4eb93][b]Channeling flow of life into [b]Floramancy.[/b][/b][/color] Several thick vines sprouted out of the ground and wrapped around Vashti's legs. They would then attempt to tie her legs together to limit her mobility. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6P8qTaC.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/32sPLv7.png[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Luca ([@FernStone]), & Stormy ([@Blizz]).[/right][right][b][code]Outside Kari's House > Straight Into the Fight.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [color=3874f4]”...[i] Well, that escalated quickly.[/i]”[/color] In less than a minute, Linqian and Aryin ran out and started throwing hands while [i]naked[/i], and the house caught on fire. They wanted Lila and Britney... well, Drake didn't care if they took Britney, but he wasn't going to stand by and let Emily think that she could boss them around. If you gave someone like her an inch, she was just going to keep pushing and pushing, and [i]pushing[/i], just to see how far she can take it. Though, he was glad that they had the sense to stand up and fight - except, Tayla, who didn't want any part of it. That was fair, if she didn't want to fight then who was he to make her? And that's why Drake's here. To fight for the people who can't fight. [quote=Stormy][color=00ff98]"Take this, get in their faces and Emily can't burn you. Do it [i]quick,[/i] before they can start throwing more magic out and make it less effective. Luca's going to get himself killed and I do [i]not[/i] trust Linqian to take on that many people alone, I'll be right behind you."[/color][/quote] Drake grinned and gave Stormy a fist pump to gain the Phantombane Aura. That was when he created his Thunderguard and his Thunderlance... and without a second thought, Drake charged in. He flew through the air, keeping close to the ground, at lightning speeds. However, he kept his eyes on the group... and saw that kid shoving Luca. He knew that the kid meant well, but Jesus! Didn't he know that one solid blow would be enough to kill Luca?! Drake changed course, flying through the air, dispelling his lightning weapons, and caught Luca, wrapping his arms around him. He went [i]with[/i] Luca's direction and motion so the sudden stop didn't hurt him. However, Luca's decaying touch was a bitch and rotted away at Drake's favorite leather jacket and the skin underneath it. He hissed in pain, as he said, [color=3874f4]”... Got you, buddy.”[/color]