[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker’s thoughts were filled with alarm bells ringing out, bodies with a sword, plunged into them with shrieks coming from the citizens who worked the orphanage. His mind rushing with scenarios as he heard the words, Valhiem is under siege. The Witchqueen is making her move, he knew this would happen one day but today, right now? His head was banging with stress attacking his brain and body, his heart rushing into a frenzy, but some how he stayed, looking cool and calm on the outside. His demeanor not budging yet, as he joined his leader James at the top of the wagon, ignoring the driver. [Color=Green]“Sir James, I have pledged my loyalty to you. I have vowed to follow your orders in all things.”[/color] Barracker placed a firm hand on James’ forearm and looked him dead in the eye. [Color=Green]“Everything I hold dear is in within those walls. We must… must get inside the city.”[/color] Barracker didn’t even think to ask James about his recent discovery of sharing a mind with Zigmund, his memories. He would only be occupied by telling James his need to get back into the city. When Vahliem came into view, Barracker saw it. Farms coming into view on the far distance, being burnt to a crisp. In the distance, high up, the sky barrier was deflecting fire from catapults probably. He could tell from the positioning of the barrier that The Witch queens army had come from the northeast. It hurt to know that they were probably trampling through ‘Greenglow Woods’ but that was the last of his worries right now. [Color=Green][i]Anne, Eren, Tyrion, Isabella and Areleth. Do not worry, I am coming to save you.[/i][/color] The vampires fists clenched tight.