Two men in Arthurian medieval knight-y times are transporting a massive black stone box/coffin/sarcophagus/etc with the promise that its delivery will halt some massive war/all war/bring peace on earth. Journey is waylaid by those wishing to steal the box/prevent its delivery/take credit themselves for its delivery. Scene: one knight says they will be happy to see the back if war once their mission is over. The other knight derides them for believing their mission is what they were told it is. The box isn’t a means to stop war but to control it. War is profitable. Scene: a blind knight approaches and asks the two knights to come with him. They fob him off and pretend it is their duty to the box that they cannot. “as long as my eyes are upon the casket it shall not move” “Little comfort from a blind man” Blind knight removes his blindfold and actually takes his eyes out and places them atop the casket. The casket can’t be moved. The knights can’t move the eyes either “They are heavy with the weight of what they have seen” Scene: set upon by bandits, who try to open the casket, though they are warned against it as terrible things befall those who try.