[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#B0C4DE]Avery Zain[/color][/h1] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/dfb65c92721fb7618486e998dbc135d1/b93a24a33aae2bcd-6a/s540x810/aca0925578591630ff979331233b39c88a752f4b.gifv[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=#B0C4DE]Location:[/color][/b] Caden's House – Chicago, IL [b][color=#B0C4DE]Skills:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] I stop when I hear my name and pull one of my earbuds out. I look behind me and see Kimiko. I can’t help but smile and shake my head. Of course. Of course I can’t go more than twelve hours without seeing her. I set the weights down on the floor and pull out my phone. [color=#B0C4DE]”I’ve got ten more minutes in my set before I have to head into town,”[/color] I tell her. I slip my phone away and glance at her, wondering what she was going to start with first. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#DB7093]Cassiopeia Claire Alistair[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/59/55/de/5955dead7dc13cf4d24639e0e0e6c88e.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=#DB7093]Location:[/color][/b] Cassi's Home – Chicago, IL [b][color=#DB7093]Skills:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] I’m busy trying to decide what I want to do with my hair while eating breakfast. I have the waffle in my mouth while I pin my hair this way and that to get a feel for it when Nic messages me. I smile and let go of my hair to text him back. [color=#DB7093][i]Good morning… How’d you sleep?[/i][/color] I set the phone down and looked in the mirror. I pull the waffle from my mouth and eat it. Beautiful. Hmm, if only Nic could see me getting ready with my hair half-crazed and waffle crumbs everywhere.