[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#DB7093]Cassiopeia Claire Alistair[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/59/55/de/5955dead7dc13cf4d24639e0e0e6c88e.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=#DB7093]Location:[/color][/b] Cassi's Home – Chicago, IL [b][color=#DB7093]Skills:[/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/16/0b/09/160b09e2c243ff43bcc6a6ab627762a4.jpg]Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] [i]Finally.[/i] I smile and kiss Wayland’s head before I get up and go to the bathroom. I apply some perfume and examine myself in the mirror. I fix my shirt and adjust my necklace and earrings. I sigh. I look fine, I remind myself. Still, I’m starting to feel incredibly nervous. Yesterday was one thing; at least there was a group of us, but today, it’s just Nic and I. I shake out my hands and run on the spot for a second. I take a few deep breaths before I head for the front door, put on my jacket, and grab my bag.