[@Dark Cloud]It's totally up to you guys how you play this. But I do believe Zool was thinking this also when she said: [quote=@Zool] To add to what others have said; I'd say Clive should take some gold to sponser the journeys of the prospective 'Cherrad messengers.' The [i]closest[/i] city that could have reinforcements might not be too far for the one messenger. Capitol City, however, might require a long trip - like, weeks maybe - that needs resources, so a gold piece or two, might go a long way for the other messenger to take up the big task. [/quote] [center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][@Dark Cloud][/center] [u][Center][h2]Results are in early![/h2][/center][/u] I think through the OOC discussion, the voting has been resolved. Everyone seems to be in agreement: [center][u][b]Option 4 is the winner! With the addition that Clive flys to Cherrad to organize messengers that will call for reinforcements![/b][/u][/center]