[img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/93/2c/77/932c77c0cacdfc6ed010bab35234ac0f.jpg[/img] As you stepped into the chamber, the weight of your responsibility as one of The Seven rested heavy on your shoulders. You were proud to have come this far, to have battled against the malignant force that had threatened the empire and its people for so long. This was the moment you had been waiting for, the chance to finally put an end to the death and bring tranquility to the land. But as you looked into the eyes of the old men and women before you, you felt a sudden sense of unease. These were the same people you had once trusted, the ones who had congratulated you and taken care of you after every battle. Yet, something was different this time. They began to chant in the same colors and with the same cursed magic that you had been fighting against for years. You tried to fight back, to resist their power, but it was too strong. You flailed and struggled until you could no longer hold on, and your world went dark. For years, you were lost in the abyss of darkness, hoping to wake up and find it all to be a bad dream. But time passed, and you remained trapped, staring into the void. Then, after over five decades of darkness, your eyes finally opened. But they were no longer the bright gold of your resolve. Instead, they were as dark as the abyss you had been lost in, with a swirling purple that seemed to pulse with a malicious energy. You heard a voice in your head, asking you to destroy the empire you had once sworn to protect. The voice reminded you of the backstabbing, the betrayal. Your heart filled with pure disdain. For years, that void stood by you. When no one else did. If anyone was right, it was the void. Right? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [hider=So...basic idea] 7 knights, each representing one of the heavenly virtues (combined some of the cardinal virtues for more variety): Chastity, Kindness, Patience, Hope, Faith, Fortitude, and Temperance. The knights were tricked into a slumber, told that their power was needed to seal away a dark force, and by the time they realized what the council was doing, it was too late as the ritual was nearly complete. But the ritual the council used was pulled from a dark text, and with it came exactly the kind of dark force the knights thought they were defending against. This dark force, named Daemonium was sealed with the knights "thankfully" but in being sealed with the knights in their prison slumber, it was able to infest them, drowning them in its darkness and twisting their thoughts, making them corrupt versions of the virtues, they were supposed to represent. The council betrayed them, gave them the titles of Saints, after saying they died in battle. The people they had protected cast them out without a care. What they stood for was meaningless. They were worthless, for they couldn't even protect themselves against the dark force that the council had so foolishly used to seal them away. The figure who comes and releases them is a vessel meant to hold this dark force. The purpose of the vessel is to trap the dark force. Overcome it and blot it out of existence. But the vessel fails, and the dark force takes control. The vessel had no intention of releasing the knights, but Daemonium isn't complaining, after all...the knights belong to it now. [/hider] [hider=Magic] I'm going to keep magic, fairly simple for my sanity. Vitanima is energy that courses through everything living, and every individual can access it, with proper concentration and discipline. [b]Carnal Magic[/b], is basic magic that anyone, over the age of 7 can use. It's usually used for basic tasks by civilians, but it can be strengthened and mastered into stronger forms with learning. Earth Water Air Fire [b]Contingent Magic[/b], is magic not easily learned or mastered, usually reserved for mages, and is taught to students at magicks schools, like Carnal Magic, it can be strengthened and refined into stronger forms with learning and training. However, if overused or a user tries to use a spell that is far too high above their level, it can take physical and mental tolls on the user. It can range from a simple nosebleed or a headache to coughing up blood or even hallucinating. Metal Crystal/Glass Static/Lightning Wood [b]Celestial Elements[/b], the rarest and hardest magic to learn and harder to use. It is used by only the brightest archmages, formerly the Knights, before their sad passing. Like the rest of the magicks, it can be refined into even stronger and more potent forms with much effort and work. But, just like Contigent Magic, the magic takes a heavier toll on users, who use Celestial Magic. It can range from migraines to internal bleeding. Light Form/Blood Darkness/Shadow Abstract/Mind [b]Keys of Virtue[/b], the magic weapons, that the Seven wielded in battle and took with them to death. Each key is entirely unique to the Knight. The keys share one common ability, the ability to siphon out the Vitanima of anyone who dies by the key, increasing the strength of the key. It is a dangerous tool, that should not fall into the wrong hands. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Title (Example: Average the Great): Full Name: Age/DOB (before the slumber): Height/Weight: Sex/Gender: Appearance/Physical Description: Personality: Main Magic: Secondary Magic (Optional): Virtue Key: [/hider] lazy rn so I'll make my character laterrrrr... Chastity - OPEN Kindness - [@Baphomini] Patience - [@CorviDoggo] Hope - [@rexgn] Faith - [@Kronshi] Fortitude - [@Sanity] Temperance - OPEN [hider=click me :))))] A HUGE THANK YOU TO [@Baphomini] FOR THE HELP AND SUPPORT!!! this is the first rp I've made in awhile so I hope ppl have fun :))) [/hider]