[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YPix3H6.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Luca [@FernStone] Sully [@Atrophy] and Drake [@Punished GN][/right][right][b][code]Kari's house[/code][/b][/right][hr] Just as he said he would do, Stormy followed Drake into the fray, Guardian Barriers hanging off of his wrists. He was made magically slower by them, reducing him to a quick jog where Drake could move at a solid sprint. He flicked his wrists, and the shields flew off in the direction Linqian's limp body laying on the ground, Vashti had surely done a number on her, even with whatever spell that was. He didn't think Linqian would be so stupid as to go in without some sort of contingency, but still, the shields hovered over her body to shade her from the rain, and from whatever someone else might try to do in the short span. Stormy's eyes flicked over to Lila... And there was something wrong about her. She had wings, [i]claws.[/i] And those feathers... They tugged at his mind while she flew off behind the house. They were resplendent, radiant like something for which Stormy had no name, he- No, that wasn't right. Something in the back of his mind wasn't really saying that, so much as it was being tugged at. He blinked his eyes shut for a moment, and that oddity was the thing that solidified his plan. When Stormy finally closed the gap between himself and Drake, sully and Luca, green sparks were arching off of his hand. It was as if Drake had electrocuted his fist and made the lightning green, as Stormy's Witchveil aura was ready to be distributed [color=00ff98]"You've got fifteen minutes before that wears off,"[/color] he said to Drake, who was radiating the green smoke of the Phantombane aura. He looked up at the giant abomination that others were no doubt hiding behind. [color=00ff98]"Sully- You should be able to move Linqian with this. Take it, it'll boost your emotional field and make whatever spell that is affect you less, or not all."[/color] He held out a crackling ball of green energy. If Sully took it, he'd be granted a hefty dose of extra magical resistance. [color=00ff98]"Just be careful when it wears off."[/color] [quote][color=6B8E23]”The person who created the undead creature isn’t there,”[/color] Luca said to the two of them, glancing over at Linqian’s prone body. Shit, was she even breathing? Drake could probably just run in there but… maybe if he shared a bit of what he knew it would help. [color=6B8E23]”She’s probably… behind that ice wall. And it won’t matter how much you hurt it, because Carol will just keep healing it. She,”[/color] Luca pointed to Maya, [color=6B8E23]”has sound manipulation and can shoot sand at people. She has range, so be careful. You know what Emily and George can do… I don’t know the other two, they joined after I left.”[/color][/quote] Luca wasn't looking so good, but at least Sully had him. [color=00ff98]"Drake's faster, he can get in and out of that camp they've got... Drake- You'll be safe from Adjoined and Apparitions as long as you're only there for fifteen minutes. Fly out if you need a renew-"[/color] Stormy said, thinking quickly. [quote][color=6B8E23]”But we need to…”[/color] he trailed off, grimacing. He didn’t want to suggest this, because of the six here, Carol was the only one he cared about. But he also cared about people on this side. [color=6B8E23]”Get Carol away from the creature.”[/color][/quote] Stormy considered something... [color=00ff98]"What is she? Abberant?"[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Yup, Abberant, it's the,”[/color] Luca gestured to his own stomach, [color=6B8E23]”hourglass fused to her. No Apparition.”[/color] [color=00ff98]"Agent, right. Okay- You and Sully need to get the hell [i]out of here.[/i] Odds are good that this homunculus is an Abominable, an Abberant like her. Meaning you don't want to be near me when I use this-"[/color] In his free hand, Stormy conjured up a green mote of light that shone like a miniature sun. Just being in its presence, Sully and Luca might feel... Uneasy. As if they were overstaying their welcome in a place that didn't want them. That would be the Consecration aura. As for how he planned on using it ... [color=00ff98]"I won't use it until you're clear, but [i]go.[/i] I'll try to cover you both while you get out, but I need to get in there and help Lila with Vashti."[/color] This was Stormy's plan: Protect the others as best he could while he wasn't right over their shoulders. This was going to be complicated, but there were enough moving parts that this could go from checkers to chess if they just played it right. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WmdEpkp.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/i9mJHtTQ4ljVlHKFlGvOBH8R-LYGwnr8vLigPvEQbVo/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/240204/a46d173d864e54efd06ab675a496cd2c.png?format=webp&quality=lossless[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane [@Atrophy] [/right][right][b][code]Kari's House[/code][/b][/right][hr] They were all out, and the phantom on the window snapped out of existence to rest. One Amara was outside, she was going to follow up on what Sloane said, but Lynn took off running. [color=789caa]"She's got that covered, it seems."[/color] Looking around, this day had gone to [i]shit.[/i] It was raining like a biblical flood and the red hellfire wasn't feeling like getting extinguished. There was that camp 8th Street had established, and the fleshy monster. The phantoms around Amara began to speak aloud. [color=00BDFF]"A forward camp and a dreadnought on the field, chosen marks run while they prattle,"[/color] they both said in unison, with haunting feminine voices. [color=00bdff]"The move is yours, Soldier."[/color] [color=789caa]"Full rank, on me. You get to the car and grab the Beretta from the trunk. Form Seven, [i]GO!"[/i][/color] One of the phantoms nodded silently, turned and blitzed off into the trees in a dead sprint. Three more appeared in a cloud of distorted air, where the rain bent around the fabric of reality. One minute there was empty space, the next, those phantoms were simply there. They observed their environments with the body language of predators. [color=789caa]"We're finding Lila and we're making sure those fuckers don't get what they want. Sloane-"[/color] She quickly turned around to the woman who cast some spell to distract the Flesh Monster. [color=789caa]"Unless you plan on sticking around for the glory of the fight,"[/color] she started, with obvious sarcasm at the notion, [color=789caa]"This phantom will help get you out. Stick with it, and you and me can communicate back and forth whatever choice you make. [i]Delegate to it,[/i] and you follow her orders like mine-"[/color] She pointed a finger at the phantom, who simply nodded. [i][b][color=789caa]"Phantoms!"[/color][/b][/i] All three of them snapped around to their living counterpart, like cadets saluting an admiral, [i][b][color=789caa]"Forward!"[/color][/b][/i] With that, Amara and her squad of three ghostly warriors took off into the rain, looking for Lila. All the while, one of them remained with Sloane. Its hands folded behind its back with something like diplomatic bearing. [color=00BDFF]"Make your choice, miss Faris."[/color]