[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6W7bqko.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,330 (+3) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (198/140) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (81/140) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 13 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (78/130) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 9 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](97/90) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Sandswept Sky- Garudo Town -> Carnival town [hider=warp locations] [s] Central hub: Smash City Alcamoth Accessible locations: Peach’s castle Limsa Lominscuttle Town Lumbridge Twilight Town Kosm’s Beach [/s] [/hider] [/center] [color=SpringGreen]”A carnival that’s a whole town? That sounds so cool!”[/color] Jr of all people replied first to Nadia’s call about popping over to the aforementioned Carnival town. After being able to show off riding their new chainsaw motorbike by riding around the track, the prince had mainly faded into the background as Rika remained the center of the attention of the crowds who’d witnessed her titanic take down of the terrible train, a situation was leaving him rather bored and a fair bit jealous. Getting out of here was very much a good plan in his books as a result. It was also good in Kamek’s books, because the mage could read the way the wind was blowing mood wise when it came to their hosts opinion of them, quietly adding to the com link that [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Yes, it might be best we skip town sooner rather than later. We may have made a touch of a scene, and while the mood is celebratory right now, I’d rather not stick around to see if things sour once they finish being impressed by Rika’s suplexing of their their demonic train race track feature and go to being upset about it”[/color] which was certainly a statement that needed more context than was provided (and which would be on the ride to Carnival town, should it be requested). As it was, there was still something of a party atmosphere going on, the crowd that had been passively following the troop having both swelled in size due to Rika’s unmissable performance and having then closed in mostly so its members could get a chance to interact with the bemused hero of the hour. Despite not really getting why she was getting the attention and requests for handshakes, she did find she rather enjoyed regaling people with tales of her short life, as well as showing off her moves and skills to the sound of applause and praise. All this had as a result turned the people watching into something of an impromptu celebration, one onto which clever vendors had descended upon like hawks to pour fuel on the fire. There where a lot of glasses of little fruity drinks called the [url=https://i.imgur.com/2SaMbzl.png]Noble Pursuit[/url] floating around the crowd now, ones that had been the source of another, much less disruptive, incident. Bowser had uncharacteristically stuck his nose up at an offer of free refreshments due to the smell coming off the little drinks that reminded him of Bacchus, which was both insulting to the townsfolk and also resulted in him and Rika’s first argument and falling out over something when she’d wanted to try it despite his misgivings about the beverage. The offer of the drinks first being on Rika’s side and then switching over to Bowsers when it turned out the girl was functionally mere days old mentally (and they had no idea physically) hadn’t helped either. Witnessing this, Jr’s mood, and the crowd growing a bit more rowdy in response to the drink flowing, Kamek cunningly encouraged the prince to go harangue his family into going along with Nadia’s idea as soon as possible. As such the boy ended up stepping between both of the huffy pair, grabbing a finger of each of their comparatively oversized hands and then chanting [color=SpringGreen]”Carnival! Carnival! Carnival! Let’s go to the Carnival!”[/color] while doing his best to drag them along after him by said fingers. Kamek then swooped in to tell the crowd[color=DeepSkyBlue]”Thank you very much for your hospitality, but we’ll be heading of to carnival town now for some RnR”[/color] as the prince pulled his family out of it via a mix of stubbornness and and infectious enthusiasm. “The kid knows it’s not an actual carnival right?” the guard captain who was frankly very happy at the prospect of getting them out of her hair, but was a good enough soul that she felt the need to inform them of this potential disappointment anyway, said, prompting an [color=DeepSkyBlue]”ah”[/color] from Kamek “Yeah but it’s still great! Races and games galore!” one of the sand seal racers called out, prompting her to be flooded with questions about her travels in the world, something that was a good enough distraction for Kamek to hurry on after the prince (who was happily babbling on about what a carnival was to Rika) so he could break the bad news. [hr] A little bit later a slightly less enthusiastic Jr stepped out of the train station and took in the first sight of the town along with the rest of his family, which involved something that was ironically pretty familiar: racers daringly racing over train tracks. [color=Aqua]”Wait, so that’s normal? They’re having fun, why are they putting themselves at risk of dying? That’s what having fun is for getting away from isn’t it?”[/color] Rika said as she scratch her head with a massive finger, very bemused as she once again casually demonstrated how messed up her life was, knowing only deadly situations interspersed with far shorter moments of down time, and having never experienced anywhere close to a peaceful period of busywork and idleness. [color=SpringGreen]”I mean, getting run over by a cat isn’t nearly as dangerous as getting run over by a demon train. Plus, we have races into oncoming traffic and those are fine too, you just gotta be tough, and have a tough kart and the worst you’ll get are some bumps”[/color] Jr replied confident that any racer worth their salt could survive a run in with a big kitty cat no problem. [color=Aqua]”Ohhhhh. Ok so the death train was weird. Got it”[/color] Rika replied, firmly re-cementing her position that she’d done the right thing picking a fight with a train, before asking [color=Aqua]”So what’s traffic?”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah. Well. Imagine lots of larger Karts, all wanting to go to different places instead of just around a track, and doing so rather slowly as they get in each other's way”[/color] Kamek attempted to explain, which resulted in Rika swiftly concluded that [color=Aqua]”That doesn't sound very fun”[/color] The mage made a little nose exhale of a laugh before agreeing [color=DeepSkyBlue]”No, no I suppose it isn’t”[/color] At this point they’d gotten out of the subway and onto the street itself, interrupting the talk as they took in the town proper, including both the advertisements for recreational activities, and also the score boards. The latter of these prompted an exclamation from Bowser as he saw that [color=FD0000]”Oh hey look, Captain Falcon’s up there in the top spot. Me and Junior know that guy. Kinda. One of the people who was with us on the cliff at the start of this. We should go get him, he punches stuff real good”[/color] before glancing at Ganondorf and adding [color=FD0000]”In a way that’s kinda like you fight, when you aren't swording things anyway. Just faster, and with fire instead of purple stuff. Always thought that was kinda weird”[/color] Then right after that Jr also piped up, going [color=SpringGreen]”Oh oh oh! Look! Morton and Larry are both on there too! We should go get them too”[/color] before frowning as he went down the rest of the lists and said [color=SpringGreen]”huh, its just them though. Weird that Galeem didn’t stick all the koopalings together”[/color] letting slip a hint of worry in the process. [color=FD0000]”Eh, I’m sure they’re fine wherever they are”[/color] Bowser reassured his son, prompting the prince to nod, think for a moment, and then shrug by saying that [color=FD0000]”I mean, I guess they’ll just respawn if they aren't”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Oh. Right.”[/color] Bowser replied slowly, before grunting that complaining that [color=FD0000]”Bah, that is weird to get used too”[/color] only to then also think for a moment and then say [color=FD0000]”Then again, I broke out of the afterlife once so, you know, not actually that weird if you think about it?”[/color] before launching it an embellished tale about how he escaped the Hades like Underware and ‘conquered’ the heavenly Overthere by defeating the totally dangerous and not at all a pushover Bonechill.