[quote][i]Do you want my number?[/i][/quote] That did it. That made Sorrel blush a sweet, bright red like strawberries. His mismatched eyes even glittered a bit, until he felt something warm trickle from his nose and mouth. Oops. Sorrel straight up freaked [i]out.[/i] He literally [i]squeaked[/i] as he noticed his bleeding and quickly started to rub it away with his sleeve, until he realized that wasn’t working and he pulled the collar of his sweater up and pressed it over his nose and mouth. “I-I’m so sorry for that—“ he stammered, “I’m so fucking sorry, oh my god—“ suffice to say, he was. Embarrassed by his reaction. Very much embarrassed. Why was he like this? Why did he have to be [i]like this??[/i] Which god cursed him into just being like that?? His feathers crowning his head puffed up as he started to cough into his sweater. “Ohh my [i]god[/i] I’m so fucking sorry,” Sorrel kept stammering apologies as his body essentially laughed at him for daring to get excited at Cricket’s number exchange offer.