Alright, people, I'll put all this new information in a zeroth post for easier access, but this is what I've got. I tried to be as unspecific as I could to allow for people to interpret the elements in their own way so they can shape their magic by their character rather than strict rules or ideals. I also did my best to avoid specifying overlays between the elements, in favor of letting such be seen through perspective. For example: Air and water both have a characteristic of flow shared between them, but one could argue that fire, too, has that characteristic, and even earth, in the form of sand especially is able to freely flow. Finally, I tried to have contrast between the notes and abstracts of traditionally opposing elements (water ↔ fire, and earth ↔ air) while also including contrast in these between the other core elements as well (see stability vs flexibility). I was also applying a third, more complicated level of connection between the notes and abstracts, see Dense to Strength, or Loose to Freedom. The main idea behind all of this is to open up the magic system to creativity and allow users to run wild with the implications these elements can hold. From the Cardinal level of the basic core element, to the Contingent level of using those finer notes of the element, all the way up to the Celestial level of encompassing the abstract character of each element. As the element is broken down to its very meaning, it becomes more powerful and allows for more creative applications and a wider range of use. [b]Element:[/b] Fire; referred to often as "Soul" [list][*][b]Notes:[/b] Heat, Glow, Spark [*][b]Abstracts:[/b] Passion, Ferocity, Rebirth[/list] [b]Element:[/b] Earth; referred to often as "Shape" [list][*][b]Notes:[/b] Dense, Root, Bloom [*][b]Abstracts:[/b] Strength, Stability, Compression[/list] [b]Element:[/b] Water; referred to often as "Fluid" [list][*][b]Notes:[/b] Crisp, Dark, Pitch [*][b]Abstracts:[/b] Adaptivity, Flexibility, Birth[/list] [b]Element:[/b] Air; referred to often as "Breath" [list][*][b]Notes:[/b] Loose, Drift, Range [*][b]Abstracts:[/b] Freedom, Tranquility, Growth[/list]