[color=8493ca][center][h2]Javal[/h2][/center][/color] [center][h3]??? - Forest[/h3][/center] Javal glanced around at the forest, then looked back up at the cave mouth. [color=8493ca]"I agree,"[/color] he said to the pointy-eared fellow assessing their situation. [color=8493ca]"We've no idea how close or far civilization is from here, and can't be sure about what manner of weather patterns we'll be facing."[/color] The sky the position of the sun throughout the day, the, temperature, and state of the forest might give some clue as to what they'd be experiencing, but weather could be lethally unpredictable for those unprepared. And with no knowledge of this region beyond the most basic of physical observation, they were [i]very[/i] unprepared. [color=8493ca]"If we head into the woods, it'd be easy to get disoriented and be unable to find our way back to the cave if the weather turns bad, the night turns too cold, or we're unable to find water,"[/color] he continued. [color=8493ca]"But if we follow the cliffs, it should be a straighforward journey back."[/color] [@Expendable][@Crusader Lord][@Thunder999999]