[h2][center][color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Skies of Dystopia[/center] [center]Lvl 6 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] - (80/60) -> Lvl 7 (22/70)[/center] [center]Word Count: 808 words[/center] [hider=New Powers for Zenkichi] Megidolaon- The most powerful Almighty attack available to Zenkichi, Megidolaon summons a beam of energy that causes an explosion, which deals severe unresistable magic damage to a wide area, with a high chance of dealing critical damage. Agneyastra- The most powerful physical attack Zenkichi can muster, Agneyastra deals medium physical damage, in the form of a swarm of meteroites, to a wide area three times, with a high chance of dealing critical damage. Each individual attack can be dodged.[/hider] As all of the Seekers boarded the Avenger, Zenkichi found himself looking around, a little awestruck, while he went with Akane to the living quarters. The ship was just so dang [i]big[/i]. Akane was still a bit freaked out from the attack, but seeing that her dad and the others seemed to be okay was helping calm her nerves, along with being on a ship much bigger than the Virgin Victory. It'd take a lot more than a few thunderbolts from Z to take the Avenger down. [img]https://i.imgur.com/lLxaEBv.jpg[/img] When the pair got to the living quarters, they looked around for an open set of bunks before settling down, sitting together on one of the couches. [color=BFBFBF]"Listen, Akane...I'm sorry things didn't work out the way I was hoping they would. I thought that they'd have a safe place for us to stay, and while it sounds like they do...it was a lot harder getting there than I think either of us expected."[/color] Akane let Maru out of her Pal Sphere, cuddling the Cremis as she listened to her father. "I...don't think you could have predicted basically Zeus coming after us, dad. Though finding out that you guys basically destroyed Midgar was...a lot. Like, how did you even do that? Why did you do that? Those...all those people without power. I know Midgar was a bad place, but..." As the reality of the situation started to settle in, Akane looked more and more distraught, clutching Maru close and trying not to cry or get angry. [color=BFBFBF]"We, uh...definitely did not expect that to happen. What they're...what we're trying to do is destroy these Guardians that are protecting Galeem. That's the thing that brought us here. And unfortunately...the Guardian in Midgar was this weird machine thing that was hooked up to a bunch of portals and generating energy for Midgar. So when we destroyed it...we took down Midgar's power source. They were lying about the Mako reactors, though I wonder if those things are even safe, or even work. I...trust me, Akane, I wasn't happy about it, either, but...honestly, Midgar was such a horrible place, I feel like whatever comes next can only be better. And I know it's terrible to say that about so many people losing their homes, but it was constantly under attack. Shinra never really cared about people, General Affairs was corrupt, and DesporHado wasn't much better. I just hope they can get a new start...if it even really makes a difference."[/color] Zenkichi sighed, shaking his head. [color=BFBFBF]"We don't even know what comes after this. After Galeem is gone. How it's all gonna go. If...we'll even remember any of this. I don't wanna just pretend nothing we do matters, but...when it's the fate of like a jillion universes at stake, I can kind of see why people say the ends justify the means. I don't like it, and I'm not gonna just start killing people or anything, but...it just sucks."[/color] Zenkichi chuckled bitterly, before sighing again. Akane forced a crooked smile, giving her dad a vaguely condescending pat on the thigh. "It's okay, dad. At least you're trying, now." She half-joked, prompting another chuckle from Zenkichi. [color=BFBFBF]"Yeah, at least I'm trying, hah. I just wanna do the right thing, and in this screwed up place it feels like that's harder to do than it used to be. But I'm still trying."[/color] Akane groaned a little, letting her head fall back. "Dad, you're not cool, stop trying to be." She chuckled a little, squeezing Maru and burying her face in her fluffy mane. "But...thanks, dad. For trying. So, uh...what's the deal with those weird clothes?" Zenkichi laughed at that, shaking his head. [color=BFBFBF]"I genuinely don't think you'd believe me if I tried to explain it."[/color] He deflected, not wanting to go into it. [color=BFBFBF]"But it was described to me as the spirit of rebellion inside me. And yes, I know, I'm not a cool rebellious dude or anything.[/color] He cut off any rebuttal with a roll of his eyes. [color=BFBFBF]"But I'm trying to make this world a little better for people. And get us all home."[/color] Akane nodded, petting Maru lovingly. "Yeah. Uh, if you wanna go and meet up with the others and like, do a strategy meeting or whatever you do, I think I'm just gonna hang out with Maru for a while..." Akane plopped her face into Maru's fur, cuddling the Cremis to calm down more. [color=BFBFBF]"Alright, Akane. I love you, kid. Even if you're a giant pain in my butt."[/color] Zenkichi joked, headpatting his daughter softly with a chuckle. "You deserve it." Came a muffled response from Maru's fur as Zenkichi left. As he left, passing by the bridge, he ran into Sandalphon and Dawn, who were exiting. [color=BFBFBF]"Oh, hey you two. What's up?"[/color] He asked.