[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5WCjcc2.jpeg[/img][h1]The 8th Street Coven.[/h1] [i][sup]From the perspectives of Aaron Sawyer & Gretchen "Greta" Faust.[/sup][/i][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Jack ([@Blizz]), Clancy ([@Zombiedude101]), Layla/Luna/Aislin ([@Estylwen]), and whoever tf is in the house.[/right][right][b][code]In front of Kari's House.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Jack's trick would have worked on anyone else... except Aaron Sawyer. Using his White and Pink Lux, he was able to see through the illusion like it was nothing. However, that didn't save him from getting clocked, and that sent him stumbling backward a little bit. He quickly raised his pistol and let off a few shots, destroying it, and gaining intuitive knowledge of the abstraction user, Jack Hawthorne. Using his radar pulse, he couldn't find out where Jack could be, but there were a ton of people bunched up together... however, it wasn't his job to pick fights anyway. His Danger-Sense activated, as he quickly turned to Carol and shouted, [i][b][h3]"... Carol! Take cover!"[/h3][/b][/i] "Aw, what the-" Carol quickly dove behind its leg as the volley of explosive arrows hit the undead behemoth. Carol laughed as she drank one final bottle of the potion Greta had given her. She slid it back into her raincoat pocket before sticking her other hand against the undead behemoth that she was taking cover behind. When Jasper's arrows hit the monster, they exploded, sending rotting flesh in all directions - and in a second later, Carol had the monster fixed right up. She grinned from behind her mask... [i][h3]"KEEP WASTING YOUR [b]MOTHERFUCKIN'[/b] TIME, DUMBASS! [b]BITCH![/b] I CAN DO THIS ALLLLLLL NIGHT LONG! ALL! NIGHT! LONG! KEEP TRYING ME AND I'LL COME IN THERE AND TEAR YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN' BALLS OFF AND THEN MAKE YOU [b]EAT 'IM![/b]"[/h3][/i]She screamed out the battle cry, but Aaron's White Lux quickly told him how many arrows he had left. Then he sent in the knight at Carol, and for a moment, Aaron thought that it was over because George and Vashti were tied up, and Flora didn't have enough firepower to take that thing down. However, Vashti clotheslined him, and Flora quickly aimed the Aegis Piercer at it, then unleashed a volley of arrows at it. Excellen- "... [i][b]WHAT THE FUCK?![/b][/i]" Carol shouted as the undead monster began marching over towards the treeline - and of course, Aaron automatically deduced that somebody had hexed it. He knew where the hex was, but [i]unfortunately,[/i] it would be incredibly stupid to run over to pull it out. "... [i][b]WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR GODDAMN MONSTER DOING, EMILY!?[/b][/i]" Carol shouted again, as the 8th Street members had no choice but to run behind it or risk being shredded by whatever ranged abstractions they had. Aaron ran behind it, turning his head away from the direction of the rain while also being mindful of where the monster was stepping. Otherwise, he would be turned into a pancake. Fortunately, Pulse-Radar informed him that Emily had finally enacted the second half of her plan, which gave him plenty of cover. The damn monster went for the jacket and yanked it off the tree before it started playing with it like it was a toddler playing with a new toy. Unfortunately, while Aaron knew what it was, there wasn't much he could do about it. Shoot it? He'd be wasting bullets. However, he had a hot-headed leader with a lust for unwarranted destruction. "EMILY!" Aaron shouted at Emily, before pointing at it. [b][i]"BURN THAT JACKET!"[/i][/b] However, in his distraction, he barely paid attention to the subtle radar that gave him knowledge of everyone's position. He noticed that three had snuck around, but there was someone who approached them, despite it all, slipping past their defenses. He quickly turned on his heel to see... a kid. However, . [quote=Clancy][b]"... Not [i]too old[/i] to be acting like high school [i]assholes?[/i] Are you so [i]weak[/i] you need this fucking [i]prom-queen[/i] to matter?"[/b] [/quote] "Who the fuck are you?! Why the fuck are you here?! Matter of fact, get the fuck outta here before you get hurt, dumbass!" Carol hissed, throwing her bat over her shoulder. However, Aaron immediately took some steps back, drawing his pistol at Clancy. His abstraction told him about the axe and, more importantly, told him about this kid. He (or better yet, [i]it[/i]) wasn't a kid. It wasn't even [i]human[/i]. [i][b]"FLORA!"[/b][/i] Aaron shouted. [i][b]"SHOOT HIM!"[/b][/i] "It's just a-" Flora tried to protest. "... [b][i]That [u]thing's[/u] not a kid! [u]TRUST ME![/u][/i][/b]" Aaron said, before he pulled the trigger a few times on his pistol, letting off a few rounds in the direction of Clancy. As instructed, Flora also fired a few piercing arrows from the Aegis Piercer.[right][b][code]The Ice Fortress.[/code][/b][/right][hr]Greta glanced up from her phone, and the few dozen zombies that Nadine previously summoned were now in the [i]hundreds[/i]. Though, from the chaos in the distance, it sounded like it was absolute chaos out there - triggering mere seconds after they arrived. Well, Greta wasn't sure who was to blame for that one, but that meant that Emily's master plan didn't account for how unpredictable the "reformed" Coven was. However, the peaceful ice fortress was disturbed by something crashing into the ice walls, followed by an explosion. It was enough to [i]rattle[/i] Greta, and the chubby gal fell off the crate that she was sitting on, and she looked up at the source of the explosion. She didn't even notice it, but fortunately, Phoebe's ice walls were thick enough to not cause more than some cracks. Then, Greta looked down and saw that her poor cell phone had fallen into a puddle of water. "... What the fuck was that?!" Amy asked, swinging her club around with one hand as she looked at it. "No clue!" Greta shouted back before she knelt forward, grabbed her cell phone, and opened the crate. She quickly tossed Phoebe another blue potion and shouted, "Drink this and reinforce the barriers! We are [i]not[/i] fighting." However, Cynthia exploded into a cloud of pink smoke, transforming into her Abyssal Hunter form. And Greta rolled her eyes. "Cynthia, heel!" Greta shouted. Typically, when Emily shouted it, Cynthia transformed back, but it was clear that Cynthia didn't obey Greta as she did Emily. This was typical of the monster. Greta shook her head. "Don't go chasing after them! That could have been a distraction." "Cynthia detects more!" Cynthia raised a clawed hand, pointing at the ice wall. Greta could see three silhouettes on the other side, and grit her teeth. She couldn't see what they were doing, but that was the most concerning part. "... Can Cynthia eat?" She asked. "No," Greta said. "We're-" "... Wave one." The walkie-talkie in her pocket played Emily's voice, which created a sort of echo on Nadine's walkie-talkie. "Son of a bitch," Greta said to herself. Of course, it was time for wave one. She shook her head as she watched Brianna create a circular portal just outside of the Teleportation Nulification Veil, and the legion of zombies simply wandered into it. The portal would lead up into the air above Kari's house, and if Emily did her part, the Coven would be caught off guard by it. The zombies would then, attack anyone not a member of the 8th Street Coven. "Pack Member Greta-" Cynthia tried to say as Greta reached into the crate and pulled out a grey, smokey, potion. Then turned to Malik, pointing at the other side of the wall. "Malik, barrage the other side of that wall." With a nod of his head, Malik shot both of his hands out toward the wall, unleashing a volley of glowing orbs that flew above Layla, Luna, and Aislin... before they came crashing down and left them with severe burns. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JgL3zQi.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]Kari's Front Yard.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [b][i][color=f4eb93]”... LINQIAN!”[/color][/i][/b] Britney couldn't help but scream as Vashti slammed Linqian into the ground... she could barely pay attention to whatever Vashti's next target was as she quickly ran over to Linqian - stopping herself when she realized that she was still making the draper point her bitch. Linqian created a cloud of steam when the rain hit her, so she wouldn't be hot for long. Britney got on her knees, and as a test of her new mode, Mode: Sea, Britney forced as much of the rain as she could (not a whole lot) onto Linqian. The giant monster moved towards the treeline, and Britney felt some type of relief as maybe some of the attention was off of her. [color=f4eb93]”[b][i]Linqian![/i][/b] [i]Say something! [b]Anything![/b][/i]”[/color] She saw a light above her... well, behind and above her, but still a light. It was bright enough to pierce through the chaotic rainstorm that she was trapped in. Britney glanced over her shoulder and saw a swirling portal that looked just a [i]little bit[/i] familiar. It was some distance into the air, far enough that it would be impossible for someone short of Kenshiro, Blackmore, and Jack to get to it in a reasonable amount of time. However, the portal itself wasn't the concerning part; it was what was coming out of the portal. Zombies. Undead minions. [i]Hundreds[/i] of them just fell out of the portal like a dam had just broken. Britney's jaw dropped, as they obviously had to be the result of Emily's machinations. It was foolish of her to assume that Vashti, Carol, Emily, George, the undead monster, and the other two, were the extent of the 8th Street attack. She hissed in pain as she watched them hit the ground - some of them instantly died, but the dead undead only cushioned the fall for the rest of them. They got up, and spread out in all directions - some of them went into the house, some followed after Vashti and Lila... and some went towards Britney. With some quick thinking, Britney raised a hand in the air and created a curved barrier of vines, roots, wood, and other plant life. It wasn't a complete dome around her, but it was enough to give her some breathing room while she tended to Linqian. She was surprised Emily didn't nuke her or something!