[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YPix3H6.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NvqYYuh.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240301/afc2e4e091f5e77155a2bde75504f79e.png[/img][/center] [hr] Emily's raging fireball was met by a wall of green. The shields orbiting Linqian, and Britney by extension, snapped out of existence to make room for a dome of damn near impenetrable yellow Lux that wrapped around him, Drake, Luca and Sully. The sound of rain battering against metal could be heard as it washed across the outer surface of the Iron Fortress, loud and hollow. Everyone on the inside was detached from everything on the outside. No one could see in or out, and the look on Stormy's face implied it wasn't easy to keep this thing up. He was tense, yet still, like he was focusing on the barrier and nothing else. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. [color=00ff98]"When this barrier falls..."[/color] he began, slowly. [color=00ff98]"Be. Ready. To. Run. Emily may be waiting. They can not hear us. Leave. The monster. To me."[/color] His fists were clenched with the glow of individual auras yet to be cast. He held one out for Sully, the Witchveil aura. He only had to touch it, and it would be applied, and then Stormy would drop the Iron Fortress to let them all loose. Meanwhile, that prick with the gun seemed to catch on quick. Not quick enough to avoid getting clocked, but at least he was distracted. As Aaron shot the shadow puppet, it cracked into dozens of pieces as if he had shot a porcelain cup, and then dissolved into black smoke. Vashti's storm was sure to bog them down, but it had an advantage that Jack could work with: The storm clouds made everything all the more dark. The light from the hellfire was bright, but the clouds were shading everything else, making it dim enough that Jack didn't have to worry about walking into the bright sun. It was a small advantage, but in these situations, everything mattered. He decided to quickly teleport into another tree nearby, not bothering to stick around and risk getting shot. He heard the shouting in the distance, and he saw the flesh abomination moving to do... Something. If Jack had a guess it was Sloane's Hexmarking if they were all lucky. Jack looked up through the leaves of the new tree he had moved to, and saw the swirling portal that rained down undead. Far in the direction of the left, there was that camp surrounded by ice, and it didn't look like there was anything he missed. So Jack made a quick, educated guess that the portal was connected to [i]that.[/i] He held a hand out, and formed his usual weapon of choice out of the darkness. A scythe, with a blade sharp enough to cut through the bodies of many apparitions. He swiped his fingers through the air, and the weapon duplicated itself. He made a twisting motion with his hold hand, and Jack's pair of scythes began to spin rapidly, faster and faster until they were a black blur. [i]Faster. Faster. [b]Faster.[/b][/i] And then, using his the telekinetic control he had over the shadows, Jack sent them whirling upwards into the sky, through the portal that the undead were spilling out of. Bodies were chopped up like hands caught in a thresher, and whoever was on the opposite end would be treated to the equivalent of high speed, magic sawblades flying out to chop them up. Jack blinked a dark spot out of the corner of his vision, making a mental note to use that trick sparingly, if at all again. Staying mobile was ideal in Jack's opinion. He wasn't equipped for being at the center of fights like this. When a fight got to this magnitude, Jack belonged in the shadows, sabotaging and making life easier on his allies. He teleported again, onto the far side, of the battlefield, just in time to almost smack headfirst into Greyson fucking Devola. [color=6644ff]"...Where have [i]you[/i] been?"[/color]