[color=00a651][color=00a651]Rho-Hux[/color][/color] *[i]The unreliable narrator is strong with this one[/i]* As Rho-Hux walked through the station, he felt like a fresh elver recruit all over again. His old rank of Major meant nothing here; he recognized no officers or soldiers, and most information was closed off to him as he had only been recruited…some time ago. Rho-Hux rubbed his temple as he tried to organize dates and times, but moments and people blurred together more often these days. He remembered talking to someone. Was it in a bar, a shooting ring, or an abandoned mining base on a rogue planet? Regardless, they spoke about Rho-Hux's actions during the Veiled War and Reckoning of Empires with respect and reverence, something his own nephews and nieces had failed in. They wanted, no, needed the Constrictor of Caddadast to return! They said they were from the Intranszjednota, no, the Intransigence, no, that wasn’t right either, …that couldn’t be right. [i]They were the Empire’s intransigence! Yes, that was it! It was a secret organization dedicated to maintaining peace in the galaxy for now and weakening the galactic powers until the Empire was ready to reemerge properly. Now, sometimes, this would mean going after Empire supporters, but Rho-Hux knew these were nothing more than self-obsessed fouls stirring up trouble. Like tending to a tree, the wild branches must be cut off from time to time.[/i] That was Rho-Hux’s view, [i]and he was glad he found like-minded people. [/i] So here was Rho-Hux, back at square one. His bones ached, his eyesight had worsened, and his skin looked like it was about to fall off any moment, but he was just as excited for his first mission as he was all those years ago. He had been told he was to be assigned to a relatively new group that had just completed their first mission. As the newcomer, he couldn’t get full access to the mission details, but he could make a few educated guesses. A Commandante Sazan was dead, some high-profile prisoners were exchanged, and Rhodes Valley now had a lot fewer terrorists. That was the one part of the news broadcast Rho-Hux disagreed with. Those rebels were just children having tantrums to get their way. Solar Broadcast Federation would call anyone a terrorist these days. [color=00a651][i]“What would they have thought of me in my prime?”[/i][/color] Rho-Hux thought to himself.