[b][i]Previously[/i][/b] Baker knocked on the door to Leith's quarters in the back area of the library where the scholars stayed. Leith looked up from the letters ve was transcribing -- Raelyn had found them pressed between volumes of some of the older collections, and they were very old and fragile, so it was vitally important to ensure that they were carefully copied so that the copies could be added to the letter collections -- and carefully put down ver pen to open the door. [color=0054a6]"Yes?"[/color] ve said softly, stepping back to let Baker into the room. [i]What could this mean? What do you need?[/i] Ve waited patiently for Baker to address them, slowly circling the table and sitting back in ver chair. Leith kept ver eyes on Baker expectantly. Could this have anything to do with the strangers who had come to the library only a short time before? Baker cleared her throat. "It seems you have caught the eye of some rather important people," she said, prompting a slight questioning noise from Leith. "They want you to go to the capital, to share your talents there." Leith frowned. There were a million questions in ver mind. Who was they? Why did they want ven in particular? Ve had been aware that ver solution to the cipher in Andrean manuscript 224 had been of some note, but certainly not of enough note to warrant being asked after. Ve took a second, waiting under Baker's patient gaze, to formulate at least one question into proper speech. [color=0054a6]"Why?"[/color] ve finally asked. The simplest question -- and hopefully the one that would get ven the most solid answers. [b][i]In the Room[/i][/b] Through Dula's entire speech, Leith watched her with wide, frightened eyes. Guards and an unexpected voyage had been bad enough -- ve had been unable to relax for even a moment from when the guards had first gathered around ven, purportedly to keep ven 'safe' through the trip to… this island? This wasn't where Baker had said ve would be going. Or why. Leith's hands hurt from so much clenching and unclenching, but, like Thesson had taught ven, that nervous tension would need to go somewhere. [i]Dragon eggs…[/i] It seemed so implausible. All of it -- or at least, what Leith processed from the barrage of information. From the threats to the claims that they would become magic, of all things… ve almost felt like mirroring the harsh, frantic laugh of the halfling lady. Though that would draw attention to ven, and already under the threat of death if ve didn't get… chosen by a dragon? that wasn't something ve wanted to risk. Nothing made sense anymore, and Leith wished that ve was back in ver little library study, copying those letters, or reading about dragons and ancient, awakening threats. Yes, learning about things that way sounded much better than whatever they were about to all try with the dragons. [i]This is an island. I could maybe swim away if it came to it?[/i] Though ve wasn't particularly fast, and the ocean around the island was both a far cry from the swamp where ve had grown up and terrifying in its own right. Ve took a few surreptitious deep breaths and tried to still the urge to run -- that would just get ven into trouble. No, the dragon eggs were real, and there, and strange and fascinating all at once. Compelling enough that Leith momentarily didn't feel lost and confused, and instead felt almost drawn to the eggs. Ve checked the paper in ver hand. Ve was sixth. With a deep breath, ve watched Gwynn's test -- what exactly was the priestess testing her on? -- and waited for the next person to step forward for their test.