"This puny girl says she can beat me? I'm sorry, but I can't say I'm convinced." Her opponent clearly doubted her capabilities. It was true, she wasn't operating at a hundred percent now. However, she hardly needed to to defeat someone like this. "Then I suppose you're going to be surprised," she said, flatly. It wasn't really a quip or a joke, more of a statement of fact. The man shrugged and readied his training sword and shield. Youmu narrowed her eyes slightly. He really wasn't taking this seriously, was he? It was his mistake, she supposed. She planted her right foot firmly forward, drawing the bokken parallel to her head into ko gasumi as her other foot slid back. It had been some time since she used one of the wooden blades, but it was still a familiar feeling in her hands. Now, she usually trained with Roukanken and Hakurouken as opposed to using any substitutes. Even if she were sparring, with Spell Card rules in play there was no risk of serious injury. Regardless, it wouldn't be a problem in the least. Youmu moved. Her speed held back by her spiritual injury was still enough to clear the gap between herself and her opponent in the blink of an eye. He would thrust his shield as she approached, straightforwardly. The half-phantom could see it playing out, in her mind, an instant he tried it in real life. It would be followed by a strike, likely a thrust or a downward slash. She wasn't there for either blow. His wooden shield struck nothing but air. His wooden sword cleaved emptiness. He wasn't totally lacking in skill. Youmu could see his eyes following her. He was aware she'd feinted, even if he was struggling to respond to her position now on his left-hand side. All he could do at this range was swing his shield in hopes of making contact. Youmu stepped back, and before he could recover immediately stepped back in past his shield. The bokken's tip pressed against his throat. "You've lost," Youmu commented, simply, the bokken pressing lightly to the flesh of his neck. She'd shown him. But apparently, he didn't think that was enough. "You little---!" His attempt to swat her with his wooden sword was fruitless. The dull thunk of the bokken striking him over the head, a blow that Youmu was certain would have split his skull in two had she been wielding Roukanken, heralded the true end of the duel. "Nnng... d-damn it..." he stammered, clutching at his head and sinking to his knees. It wasn't the most exciting duel, but at least she'd shown him how badly he'd misjudged her.