[center][h1][b][color=9370DB]Nyana/Hikari[/color][/b][/h1] [h3][i]??? — ??? Forest[/i][/h3][/center] To say the path was perilous for someone like herself was, ah....yeah. Perhaps it was obvious, in hindsight, in her mind. That made the stabler footing at the base of the cliff feel that much better underneath her feet at the very least, though the sounds of a forest teeming with life and the feeling of brimming with soome kind of energy certainly was a change of pace compared to the cave proper. A light sigh escaped the lips the knightess, though now things were a bit more uncertain than they even had been before in a sense as well. A large forest of unknown location and clime sat before them, the cliff side going to either side, and the path all the way back up to the cave lied behind them in turn. [quote=Jase]"Did anybody see any sign of water as they came down?" the half-elf asked, all business. "We won't go far without water, and the only source I know is back up there in that cave, and we have no way to carry it. That cave is also the only shelter." "We can skirt along this clif for an hour or two, then come back if we don't find anything," he added. "Unless one of you have anything better?"[/quote] [quote=Confused Man]"I agree," he said to the pointy-eared fellow assessing their situation. "We've no idea how close or far civilization is from here, and can't be sure about what manner of weather patterns we'll be facing." "If we head into the woods, it'd be easy to get disoriented and be unable to find our way back to the cave if the weather turns bad, the night turns too cold, or we're unable to find water," he continued. "But if we follow the cliffs, it should be a straighforward journey back."[/quote] Eh? EH?! Would she have to go back up the path to the cave again later? Seriously?!?! Ahhhh....no, but it was preferrable to not having anywhere to sleep or rest otherwise. She'd rather be 'safe than sorry', even if it was a cold and damp cave back up there. Still, after a moment of pause, and listening to the other two men in the group talk, Nyana would give a simple nod of agreement in turn in the end. Thank goodness her helmet hid her face and such though... [color=violet]"I'll agree with those ideas as well. We can search along the cliffsides for a short bit, then return here before it gets dark. Though question is, which direction do we want to go first?" Maybe they could split up into two pairs to search in two directions at once? More risk, more scouting, would be the payoff of that. But minding that this was all so new to them, ah, perhaps splitting the group wasn't such a good idea in general. Certainly the 'badness' of the idea was enough to convince her it wasn't the best shot they had at least. But they did need to try to think something up in general for how to proceed somewhat beyond this as well. Camping in the woods for all of their new lives didn't sound quite as exciting as it could be, though maybe living a nice slice-of-life isekai would be less dangerous to them as well? That could be nice....but probably had a zero precent chance of happening if she were being somewhat realistic about the matter. [color=violet]"Though we will need to address the forest at some point, perhaps, given the seeming lack of civilization near us. Not unless we wanted to make a 'trail of breadcrumbs' type of things to trace back our steps when investigating the forest sooner or later now. Mark trees, leave a trail of rocks, etc?"[/color] [@Crimson Paladin][@Expendable][@Thunder999999][@PKMNB0Y]