[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#DB7093]Cassiopeia Claire Alistair[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f0/9b/a8/f09ba869933bef33d9e94c0a4c2cecee.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=#DB7093]Location:[/color][/b] SUV – Cary, IL [b][color=#DB7093]Skills:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=#DB7093]”Renaissance fairs, I know, but they make me cringe. I haven’t heard about these balls, though. Have you been to one?”[/color] I ask, resting one of my hands over his. I can't help but think about Nic dressed up in either British traditional wear or that of China. I could see him turning quite a few heads from both sexes if he dressed that way. Of course, I didn't go to many balls when they were prominent. If I went it was usual with Caden. He was of a higher status than I was. Back in those days, if people knew of me, my name was in hushed tones. Sometimes, it was fun; other times, it was lonely. I was grateful I had Caden to walk through those days with; even if he and I hadn't been intimate with each other in the last hundred years, he was still my best friend and longest companion. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#006400]Caden[/color][/h1] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/2070147ea140ade2f6fdd7023945a83c/d405d86270bf524c-ad/s250x400/dd2ff4f1193e9474edfed7a969a148f9a5cf9af3.gif[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=#006400]Location:[/color][/b] Caden’s Home – Chicago, IL [b][color=#006400]Skills:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] I grin and slide my hand down the side of Nero’s body, over their hip and down their leg, feeling the warmth of their skin under my touch. [Color= #006400] "Good choice," [/color] I whisper into their ear, my breath tickling their skin. My hand slides back up, and my arm snakes around their waist to pick them up and toss them over my shoulder. I leave Nero’s bedroom with their mountain of clothes all over and walk back into mine, well, ours now. I make sure the cats are out of the room before I toss Nero onto the bed. I smile down at them as I remove my jacket, feeling a rush of affection for them. [color=#006400]”You know, I’m really glad I got you a cell phone. Texting you and looking uninterested in what Levi had to say made my pull with the pack better. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#B0C4DE]Avery Zain[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/aa/e2/ae/aae2aeea9d376b2baef92ac42908d884.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=#B0C4DE]Location:[/color][/b] Caden’s Home – Chicago, IL [b][color=#B0C4DE]Skills:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=#B0C4DE]”Okay, we can work in the weapons work with your training. Cassiopeia would be a good one to pull in for throwing knives,”[/color] I muse. [color=#B0C4DE]”As for the pole technique, I can walk you through the basics and set some simple drills for you to practice on your own. Then once you build strength in it, we can add that into a routine,”[/color] I offer.