Colleen Shrine [@Pyromania99][@Rin] [hr] "Drunk?! I might be a lunatic, but I haven't touched alcohol in years. Sensei would've put me in a chokehold..." Colleen replied, huffing in irritation, following after Ilsa. She was glad this...witch, seemed friendly, but she still had so many questions. Hopefully once they got somewhere relatively safe they could get answers. At least the forest was pretty, now that the freaky deer thing was gone. The walk let her collect her thoughts a bit more clearly now, too, now that the relief and shock of not being dead or in immediate danger of dying again wasn't present. "Rita, was it?" She turned to the goblin, voice low enough Ilsa couldn't hear for now. "You don't think we actually died and...we got like, reincarnated or something do you? I was never one to believe in my Masters Bhuddist beliefs but..." What's the phrase? When you rule out everything else, the impossible becomes likely? And the situation was getting less and less easily explainable and the thoight had popped into her head for some reason. "Mngh...well, whatever. I guess it don't matter are we there yet miss substitute witch-" Just as the words left her mouth, the cottage came into view. Honestly, it wa an idyllic looking little slice of the forest, like it came right out of some fantasy painting. "...huh. I was expecting something more Hansel and Gretel."