P.R.C.U. Presents: Agents of H.E.L.P. Following the exploits of a Hyperhuman Investigative Team, think Criminal Minds meets Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, as the team tries to proactively stop Hyperhumans who have chosen to exploit and abuse their abilities. Return to Crestwood Hollow - Dawn of the Magni & Hyperhuman War Uncover the truth of the Dark Eclipse as the Magni Community unite to reclaim their seat of power in the world from Hyperhumans. Players will be able to have multiple characters on both side of the conflict as the warring factions attempt to out maneuver one another in the ultimate bid for power. Sparrows - He Who Fights Monsters Players take on the role of a Sparrow, an elite Jäger sect that works in the shadows to defend the world from Hellions and other Hellspawn beasts. With the world reshaped by the catastrophic events of the Magni & Hyperhuman War, there are new monsters to hunt and plenty people in need of a Sparrow.