What game was this, indeed? Minutes ago, Hildegunde was staring down death, and now this thing had the audacity to plead mercy? Even if Hildegunde knew where she would theoretically bring this creature, she had doubts as to whether or not it was a good idea. Worse yet, Ciara stepped towards the creature with a request that nearly made her jaw drop. Sure, Iraleth might not intervene, but Hildegunde very well will. Ignoring Iraleth's concern over her with a dismissive wave, she takes a step between Ciara and the being, her rifle pointed at the latter. Her finger hovers over the trigger. Her leg stung more now that the adrenaline was wearing off, but that could wait for later. [color=007236][b]"You're going to [i]trust [/i]that thing?"[/b][/color] Hildegunde hisses, incredulous. She motions to the lifeless body of the wolf with her foot - what a waste, who knows if she'll be able to process the poor beast before it began to spoil - as if to remind Ciara of what happened to the last thing it attached to. Of what little regard this creature had for its hosts. [b][color=007236]"Are you [i]fucking mad[/i]?"[/color][/b]