[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/a2/3d/UFezxxLQ_o.png[/img][/center] Violet sighed as she massaged the bridge of her nose. Although it was only at its halfway mark, her day had already been replete with an uninterrupted series of board meetings, business meetings, reports from various section heads, and videoconference calls with the CEO of Mishima Motors and the Republic of San Borleo’s President-for-Life. The rest of the day promised to be more of the same, with several additional important meetings, culminating in a fancy dinner with the mayor at one of the city’s most exclusive dining establishments. Yet, at least she could savor this brief, fifteen minute respite as she had her meager lunch of an energy bar and protein shake. It was a time for her to rest her eyes and refocus her mind for the tasks ahead. However, this precious period of peace and quiet was soon interrupted by a sugary sweet voice echoing in her mind. [color=Pink]“Golly gee whiz, sweetie!”[/color] the voice exclaimed. [color=Pink]“Like, a super duper meanie monster just appeared in that pretty green rectangley place in the middle of your city and is making people super duper unhappy!”[/color] [color=BlueViolet]“A monster in central park…?”[/color] Violet wondered aloud. [color=Pink]“Yepperoo!”[/color] the voice confirmed, its sweet tone filled with urgency. [color=Pink]“You, like, have to go there and help them!”[/color] At first, Violet wanted to refuse, to say that some other magical girl could handle it, but then she remembered that there weren’t any other magical girls confirmed to be active in the city. There were rumors, of course, but nothing definitive, which meant she really had no other choice… [color=BlueViolet]“Very well,”[/color] the heiress said with a firm nod, before pressing a button on her desk. [color=BlueViolet]“Melissa, I shall be indisposed for the next hour,”[/color] she told her secretary. [color=BlueViolet]“Please inform Amanda that I will need her to represent me at the Polybius Software acquisition review.”[/color] “Of course, Miss Covington,” Melissa replied. While the acquisition was a major boon that would certainly bolster their video game development subsidiary, Covington Arts’, already prominent position in the electronic entertainment sector, the meeting itself would be a relatively simple affair. Thus, Violet was confident that Amanda, her most trusted and capable subordinate, would be more than up to the task. After ensuring that she had complete privacy, the heiress took a deep breath and began to recite the incantation that would transform her into her magical alter ego. [color=BlueViolet]“Hearts, Candy, Sparkles, and Bal[/color][color=DeepPink]loons~! Teehee~!”[/color] Violet began, her mature and stoic voice shifting into a far more childish and cutesy tone with each new syllable as shimmering pink energy swirled around her, completely transforming her body and clothes. [color=DeepPink]“Sunshine, Glitter, Unicorns, and Rainbows~! Taaa daaa~! Magical Girl[/color] [center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/5a/a9/ueABuurN_o.png[/img][/center] [color=DeepPink]is heresie~! (giggle!)”[/color] Upon the completion of her transformation, the hyperactive and whimsical girl the refined heiress had become wasted no time in jumping up and down in childish delight, her big eyes seeming to sparkle with tiny hearts and stars. [color=DeepPink]“YAAAAY~!!! Playtime waytime in the parky warky~! Playtime waytime in the parky warky~! Tee-hee~!”[/color] she cheered, clapping her hands together. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess [i]wuvs[/i] playtime waytime~! (giggle!)”[/color] However, the small girl’s jubilation quickly turned to confusion. [color=DeepPink]“But, like, how does Magical Dream Princess get theresie weresie~?”[/color] she wondered tilting her head in puzzlement, before grinning broadly as a rainicorn pegasus with butterfly wings suddenly appeared before her. [color=DeepPink]“Pretty witty horsey worsey~! (giggle!)”[/color] the whimsical girl squealed, running over to the colorful creature and giving it a big hug. [color=DeepPink]“Can Magical Dream Princess ride you~?!”[/color] she asked excitedly as she rapidly bounced up and down on her short legs. [color=DeepPink]“Can she~?! Can she~?! Can she~?!”[/color] The rainicorn pegasus nodded and winked at her, creating a spray of glitter, which swirled around the giggling girl and lifted her onto the colorful creature’s back. [color=DeepPink]“YAAAAY~!!! (giggle!)”[/color] MDP cheered, before bending over and giving the rainicorn pegasus a big hug. [color=DeepPink]“Oooohh~! So softy wofty~! (giggle!)”[/color] the whimsical girl cooed as she nuzzled her mount’s prismatic mane. [color=DeepPink]“Okie dokie, horsey worsy~!”[/color] she declared with a big smile. [color=DeepPink]“It’s timey wimey for funsie wunsie, so giddy widdy up~! (giggle!)”[/color] ✩✩✩ [color=DeepPink]“WEEEEEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEEE~!!!”[/color] MDP cried in unabashed joy as she and her mystical mount sped through the sky, leaving a trail of prismatic glitter in their wake. [color=DeepPink]“Faster waster, horsey worsey~!”[/color] she told the rainicorn pegasus, while rapidly kicking her tiny legs against its sides. [color=DeepPink]“Faster waster~! (giggle!)”[/color] The whimsical girl had no idea who or what would be waiting for her when she reached the park, but whatever the case might be, MDP was positive that not only would they want to be friends with her, but they would also have lots and lots fun together!