Morning came far to quickly for Michael. He was groggy and rubbed the sleep from his eyes as Mr. Miller gave him some cold coffee that had been brewed when the stove worked and some slices of bread with jerky. It was a meager breakfast but honestly more then Michael thought he would get in this hell. The two chatted a bit as Mr. Miller told him a few places to go in town as well as giving Michael a letter that would prove to the other traders that Michael was on the up and up. The old man had also given Michael a crudely drawn map. Apparently the old man had several and they were in severe need of updating as Miller was unable to make the trek himself. They opened the metal shudder and glanced out into the street. The dim light that came in through the fog made the street feel ominous. Michael did his best to ignore all the new blood and twisted heaps of metal that had once been cars the day before. The great beast was still in the street, but something had torn it in half and then ripped it apart again. Each of its legs was in a different area of the street while its main body was impaled on a telephone pole. It's head was nowhere to be seen. Shivering at the sight he subconsciously gripped his makeshift weapon tighter for all the good it would do him, before waving bye to the man and he snuck off. He glanced at the phone again now that he was in the “daylight”. It was indeed off but somehow the address was stuck on the screen and the battery percentage was stuck at eighty-eight. As he went from street to street the process was slow and almost painful. The amount of times, he had to quickly flee into abandoned buildings to let an unspeakable horror pass that somehow missed seeing him were to many for his liking. Death almost found him as he dove under a ruined car to avoid what could almost be described as a herd of deer. The creatures staggered about as if drunk and randomly their entire heads would split open revealing shark like teeth before releasing a murderous screech. It was under the car that he discovered he was not alone. There was a centipede the size of a small dog that attempted to lunge at him, but Michael got lucky as it seems they had both startled one another and it missed. Michael making sure the two metal prongs of the chair leg were in front of him fell onto the vile creatures head with a sickening crunch as he put his whole body weight on it pinning its head under him and into the ground. The many legged fiend skittered about briefly before growing still as the [i]deer[/i] staggered past the car and off to another street.