[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmRlMTk4YS5WR0Y1YkdFZ1EyaHZhUSwsLjA,/zolanti.regular.webp[/img][/h1][/CENTER] When Jack popped up out of nowhere, it shocked Tayla out of her concentration on Greyson. She pulled her headphones off for a few seconds, but only a few. She needed to know what he knew. Ways to get him alone and vulnerable to take him out. She put the headphones back on and found her way back to him. She did her best to ignore Jack's thoughts, but Greyson was in his head trying to catch up on everything. Which meant she also saw what happened in that house while she was outside confronting their stalker. So much useless drama. The interesting parts are the house catching fire and the fight going on. She avoided everyone's thoughts from the battle. It was too for her to handle at once. From Jack's view, it was digestible. Shit's gone to hell in a handbag. There are zombies now? What the fuck are 8th Street doing? Greyson didn't stay in Jack's head long. That left him open for that 'hard work' he was talking about. He didn't explain to Jack, but he didn't need to Tayla saw him having a conversation with a woman named Phantasia. She seems to be with the mob and for some reason wants Britney dead. No, not some reason. The Void. Alizee's thing. Britney did something to it and Phantasia's pissed about it. She killed it. Or had a hand in it being killed. She pulled her headphones off at a surprising piece of news. She doesn't know who the hell the Temple are, but Greyson's a go between for them and the Dollhouse. Motherfucker's working for them? What was the point of pulling her into their shit if they had Greyson the whole time? Oh she's pissed. They're playing her for a fool. She had two ideas and one involved finding Tsukino. The other, she didn't want to think about. In the time she listened to Greyson's thoughts, the rain had gotten worse. The tree no longer worked in keeping her from getting wet. She had to get down. Next thing she knew, lightning would strike and she'd be a burnt biscuit. She slowly climbed down. Her feet slipped several times and it took time for her to get her footing back. She finally made it down safely. She put the headphones on and hoped Tsukino wasn't in the middle of the battlefield. She needed to find her before this all ended and everyone went their separate ways. She didn't know how to find her if she didn't do it now. Just her dumb luck she's where the ice is trying to stop whoever's blocking their way. Better than in the middle of the zombie fight. She slipped the headphones off again and headed for the ice wall, which happened to be the direction the zombies were going in. With everyone fighting them, she's sure they'll end up dead-dead before she gets there. She could only hope so.